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New Year, New Friends?

Hey guys... I'm posting here cause I noticed that this is where all the cool kids hang out.

So here it is, I'm 5'4 and I've lost 19 pounds so far. I'm latina, not that it matters but being bilingual can be beneficial.. I am studying to get certified in personal training through the National Academy of Sports Medicine. I didn't make a resolution (so this is not a resolution post, you're welcome), I'm just here looking for some new faces to add to my friends list who are active in their journey's and who have a sense of humor...

Anyways post here if you want new friends.. And feel free to add me <3;):p


  • frankieV3
    frankieV3 Posts: 114 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hi there! I'm back on the site after a year of thinking I could keep it going on my own. I originally joined after getting some very bad medical news, so I changed my diet and work out and lost 35lbs with the help of this community. I'm hoping to get back into it! Feel free to send a request or a message any time. But please have an open and fun loving mind!
    I love making new fitness friends! :)