Logging food

Not new to MFP but beginning to use its benefits again. After working out consistently for a year and not loosing a pound its time to start logging food to get results. I've seen several body changes but the scale hasn't changed and I'm still wearing the same size clothes. At 40 it's time to get a handle on a better diet or I will be the classic case of weight gain as I age. How many of you are in my shoes?


  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,663 Member
    When I was going to the gym regularly about 10yrs ago i felt great but didn't lose any weight. I played raquettball 5 days/wk, went to aerobics 2x/wk, strength training on saturdays & swam before I left the gym every time. I've lost 30lbs so far logging food/changing my diet & exercising a little since June
  • WildAngelJoy
    WildAngelJoy Posts: 140 Member
    I'm here for my second time. I lost 20lbs. in 2012, had a few more to lose but felt great! Unfortunately, I regained the 20 plus another 20 due to illness, medications and stress eating after family death. I've been hating the way I look and feel but what got me back was a trip to ER where my BP was 200/100. Having a nursing background, I know the implications and danger of the extra weight. I go slow and steady but having lost weight here I do know I can do it again and it is amazing how fast the calories add up. Happy New Year :)
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    I was...a year ago. I have always hiked, snowshoed, skied etc but never got serious about calorie intake. After 1 year of tracking calories I'm down to the lowest weight I've been in 35 years. Lesson learned: you can't out exercise a bad diet. Do it now, waiting til you're 63 is just plain dumb. A lean body at 40 isn't the same as a lean body at 63. Trust me on this one.