i wanna lose pounds and gain muscle. Any tips?

I'm on my journey to be in the best shape I have ever been in my life. I wanna be around to see my grandchildren grow up.


  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    Calorie deficit to shed the fat and a progressive lifting routine to build strength. Shedding fat will help reveal the muscle you have underneath.

    I really like the Stronglifts 5x5 program for its simplicity.
  • mgalovic01
    mgalovic01 Posts: 388 Member
    Check out Ronnie Coleman and Jay Cutler on Youtube. I don't think steroids are a good idea, but those guys are inspirational and motivational. Check out Idalberto Arranda there too. Then, get some weights and start working out. The best thing for longevity though, isn't going to be just gaining muscle. Going for jogs, bike rides, and runs is good for that. But really, the best thing is something that you get some enjoyment out of, so you don't mind doing it so much.
    Your diet is a big part of your health. Try to eat healthier, by preparing your meals, instead of eating out a lot. More whole grains, less enriched wheat flour. More fruits and vegetables, less sweets and junk food.
  • cgvet37
    cgvet37 Posts: 1,189 Member
    You are going to have to eat in a caloric defecit to lose weight. Follow a progressive weight training program.
  • bionicdiver
    bionicdiver Posts: 198 Member
    Like cgvet37 said, caloric deficit and weight training. First get your diet laid out based on your activity levels and workouts. Then create or find a weight training program. I would highly recommend bodybuilding.com to help with developing the nutrition and weight training plans, which will help you reach your goals.
  • jhdz95614
    jhdz95614 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you all for the feedback I really appreciate you all, thank you. Its time to get off my *kitten* and hit it hard. Thank you