The 2017 Re-boot

January 2016 I Stopped smoking and started taking better care of myself.
Between January and July I lost 20 lbs and was healthier and stronger.

Then... I had some holidays, I move house (first home with my bf), had some work trips and had no routine no routine or good habits.

I weighed myself this morning and since July i have put on 16 lbs since July. I am disgusted with myself.

I have my trainers on and am about to head out for a long walk (with some light jogging intervals).
I am determined to resume my healthier lifestyle but I am really concerned at my lack of focus, my inability to maintain a strong routines while living with my partner and that next January I will be sitting here saying the same thing.


  • BlackRangerX
    BlackRangerX Posts: 133 Member
    We all lose track at times. I encourage you to stay strong and take it one day at a time. It's the perfect time to get back on track my friend. Good luck with your journey.
  • TigerLily100
    TigerLily100 Posts: 81 Member
    There is probably an awful lot of people back on here for the exact same reasons, I know I am.
    It can be hard living with someone else, unless of course they too want to loose weight and get fitter.
    Even if your partner doesn't (and you don't say if they do or don't), you can still make some small changes that will make a difference.
    Portion control is 1 that won't make much difference to your lives.
    If they have some interests of their own, use that time to do your own thing and go for a run etc.
    Be spontaneous, vital if routine isn't a thing.
    Shop healthier and introduce better food into the household for both of you.
    Try and find something active/sporty that maybe you would both like to do. If you're partner isn't interested in getting fitter etc. don't sell it as a fitness thing, sell it as a new interest.
    Good luck :)

  • LazyButHealthy
    LazyButHealthy Posts: 257 Member
    Thanks for the input.

    Who else is RE-starting their fitness/weight loss plans this week, and how are you trying to avoid previous pitfalls?
  • TigerLily100
    TigerLily100 Posts: 81 Member
    I re started 27th December. A year and half or so ago I lost half the weight I wanted to loose, but put it all back on and some :(

    I think I am better prepared this time around, both mentally and physically.

    I am hoping to avoid previous pitfalls by being brutally honest with myself ie. I was greedy!

    I'm also doing this along with a very good friend of mine, hoping that encouraging each other etc will help.
    We're also brutally honest with each other, which I think will help further.

    I've learnt to keep temptation out of the house, I've got realistic expectations and I keep telling myself you've been here before, succeeded before and you know where you went wrong - that being I went back to pigging out.
    So I am trying to alter my life for the long term and not just weight loss for the here and now.

    I'm 45, so not getting any younger. I think I am most definitely hitting a bit of a mid age crisis. I literally looked in the mirror and told myself to get a grip and stop feeling sorry for myself, it's my own fault I am fat as I'm in control of what I eat. It's about taking control for me.