New to MFP, but experienced with fitness. ^^

Hey Everyone. ^^ Im a 20 years old girl from Sweden and 4 years ago I weighed 200 pounds and now I weigh 140 so I've slowly but neatly lost some weight. Ive written that I want to lose 20 more pounds and thats swell and all but in reality I just want to tone up my body now. Im what a lot of people would call "Skinny fat". With clothes on I look small because Im also quite tall (5'6-5'7 ish) but in reality I have a lot of excess fat and "loose skin". I realise that gaining muscle and losing fat will make my weight stay the same thats why the "-20 pounds" is myeh, not really important. :)

Otherwise, Im a fulltime computer engineering student, I dance 15 hours a week (Both as a danceteacher and a student) and I have a weekendjob as a croupier(blackjack dealer) at a casino. My life is pretty hectic which leads to my poor diet (I exercise a lot but I eat bad stuff all the time!).

Im hoping that this site will help me SEE what I put in me, plus keep me motivated by watching my peers lose weight or cheer me on. ^^