Wedding Prep/Keeping Fit

Hello! I am Krystal from Singapore. Chance upon this APP while doing some research. I exercise on a weekly basis but sometimes none at all as I get busy with work. I am someone who eat A LOT of unhealthy Asian food. Also quite a carbs lover.

It's 2017 now - I am trying to keep fit, get into a better shape for my wedding day. This is also a huge challenge to me. I often see myself giving up when I have to deal with all the cooking preps and struggling to find work life balance in the fast pace society of my country. My goal is to lose 4kg, burn all my stubborn fats and gain muscle. I hope to find motivation, inspiration and word of encouragement from accountable friends! ;)


  • SarahSloth342634
    SarahSloth342634 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Krystal, I got married last year, it was great motivation for getting started with fitness. I try to excersise everyday and still gaining knowledge all the time. Add me?