almost 6 weeks and no weight loss?.. why?



  • dnunny70
    dnunny70 Posts: 411 Member
    I'm no expert. I looked at a few days and you didn't even hit 1,000 calories. That might be part of it? Especially if you are working out and not eating some of those calories. I started at 285. I eat about 1880 calories--before exercise!
    If you ate like for 6 weeks, you would have seen some weight loss? Maybe check with your doctor.

    As to clean eating, cutting carbs etc. I'm a slow loser. I usually lose 1-2 lbs. every few weeks. I have lost 9 lbs. in about 35 days. I have thyroid issues and well, I'm a "mature" aged woman. I don't eat clean. I do eat fruits and vegetables, but I also eat canned spaghetti sauce, pepperoni, cheese, turkey bacon, ham.

    I do weight what I eat and I try to be as accurate as I can.

    I'd try to weigh as much as you can, be as accurate as you can and eat. You might also want to make an appointment with your doctor....just to make sure everything is ok.
  • dnunny70
    dnunny70 Posts: 411 Member
    Also, how old is your son? I got diagnosis of hypothyroidism when my son was 6 months old. I wasn't losing weight; despite the fact taht I was cutting calories.
  • Rthomas826
    Rthomas826 Posts: 14
    My dad had thyroid problems before he passes a way. and had to be on medication for it. But it was where he couldn't gain weight. I had an appt. with my doc. earlier last year and asked them to check my thyroid levels and she did :) she said it was lil high but it was okay and she would check back on it later.
  • sexymuffintop
    I wish it was as easy to gain muscle as people on this thread make out it is. Eat 800 cals a day and do some cardio, you'll be ripped in no time....:noway: :noway:

    OP, you need to be eating your BMR as a minimum.
  • Rthomas826
    Rthomas826 Posts: 14
    What is a BMR?
  • kganc001
    kganc001 Posts: 317
    You eat a lot of fried/greasy fast food. I mean, I eat out a lot, as I'm all for eating in a "IIFYM" style...but you're not exactly eating to meet any macros and going over on your cals almost every day. Try making healthier options if you have to have fast food, like grilled chicken and a small fry (or not fries and a side salad).
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    Looking through your diary it looks like you do a lot of fast food. I would try cutting that out and start eating more fresh fruits and veggies. Good luck!
  • lexoxoc
    lexoxoc Posts: 135 Member
    Cut out the fast food. It's not just working out, it's about making sure you eat well. I give myself treats but in moderation and I try to make them as healthy as possible (frozen yogurt instead of ice cream, dark chocolate instead of milk/white chocolate). I'm not perfect either though, this weekend I ate like crap but each day is a new day and we can make better choices. Do your best!
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    Don't go by the scale if you are working out. Muscle weighs more than fat. Do your measurements and check them monthly and see how your clothes fit. That will be the true test. Good luck.

    Muscle doesn't weight more than fat. It's just more dense . A lb is a lb. Just a technicality I know, but still :)
    Thank you, I hate when I see that....It drives me nuts!
  • Jillian130
    Jillian130 Posts: 174 Member
    Increase your calorie intake and incorporate more protein and fresh veggies. Also, thats a lot of cardio each day, 60-90 minutes. Focus on strength training more so, and cut back on your cardio length. Perhaps try circuit training, where its both cardio and strength. Its quality, not quantity. Too much cardio ends up making you feel like a hamster on a wheel, a whole lot of running and getting nowhere. But definiitely tweak your food intake and make clean as possible food choices. Lots of protein and balance it with healthy carbs in the form of fruits veggies nuts.
    Your body maybe stressed out and holding onto water and fat because this is all new to it. Just keep doing what you're doing just modify a little.
  • Rthomas826
    Rthomas826 Posts: 14
    I know, I totally binge on the weekends. weekends I usually stay up late, eat late, drive thru and a lot of caffeinated drinks=/
    Actually seeing it all added up how much calories are in just one sandwich?! I was really surprised!! Its now making me double think when I go.
    But yesterday and today I stepped on my scale... and it said 260.. so -4lbs, even tho I didn't work out all weekend and ate a bunch of crap. =/
  • wsmcasey
    wsmcasey Posts: 1
    Don't go by the scale if you are working out. Muscle weighs more than fat. Do your measurements and check them monthly and see how your clothes fit. That will be the true test. Good luck.

    Muscle doesn't weight more than fat. It's just more dense . A lb is a lb. Just a technicality I know, but still :)

    Lets rephrase it: Muscle weighs more than fat per square inch.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    I've noticed 2 things here.

    1) You barely track what you eat.

    2) The two days I saw that you did, one day was only 800 calories.

    Be consistent and true to yourself in logging. Also, it's possible that you are maintaining quite a bit of water retention from your new found exercise. Muscles retain water for repair, and it will show on the scale. I can measure the difference of 1.5 lbs when I weight myself after a heavy lifting session to the next morning.

    actually you didn't go far enough into the diary. OP on some days it could be possible you're still eating too much. it's hard to tell though because you don't always enter your exercise calories. there were a few days where you went over on everything (way over) but if you are exercising like you say then you're probably not going over that much when you factor in your exercise calories.

    however i noticed you eat a lot of highly processed foods, you might want to consider making some of your own meals instead of relying on boxed stuff - this stuff is loaded with sodium and other ingredients you just do not need.
  • Rthomas826
    Rthomas826 Posts: 14
    Thank you.
    I've logged everything so far, even the exercise. (One day) I took 4 days off. But I will be logging more activity for tonight's work out :)
    I work full time, and work as a freelance makeup artist in my spare time, I'm rarely home. So quick foods, is what works for me. I try to buy fresh veggies and Fruits. but by the time I'm done with work and working out. It's to late to prepare a decent meal. Eventually my fresh stuff goes bad w/o me even touching it. Does anyone know where I can find some healthier quick recipes?
  • hrtchoco
    hrtchoco Posts: 156 Member
    I'm hungry everyday, that's how I lost my 5 lbs. If you feel full from fast food everyday, you are doing something wrong.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Thank you.
    I've logged everything so far, even the exercise. (One day) I took 4 days off. But I will be logging more activity for tonight's work out :)
    I work full time, and work as a freelance makeup artist in my spare time, I'm rarely home. So quick foods, is what works for me. I try to buy fresh veggies and Fruits. but by the time I'm done with work and working out. It's to late to prepare a decent meal. Eventually my fresh stuff goes bad w/o me even touching it. Does anyone know where I can find some healthier quick recipes?

    try adding in frozen veggies (not the ones in sauce) then add that to your quick prepare meals. you will at least eat more veggies. another option is to make big batches of stuff and freeze. say big batch of stir fry then freeze into individual portions. lean steak (or chicken) lots of veggies, scrambled egg, brown rice. you could even do this with "fried" chicken nuggets (baked in the oven of course) then freeze in individual portions. you basically need a few hours of free time and of course freezer containers.

    frozen fruit - buy a bunch and make your own fruit cocktail containers.
  • Rthomas826
    Rthomas826 Posts: 14
    Wow thanks! I never thought of pre preparing meals and freezing them :)
  • sexymuffintop
    What is a BMR?

    Basic Metabolic Rate. The amount of calories you need to just 'exist'. It's what you would need if you did nothing all day, I'm presuming you do stuff, so you need to eat above your BMR.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Don't go by the scale if you are working out. Muscle weighs more than fat. Do your measurements and check them monthly and see how your clothes fit. That will be the true test. Good luck.

    Muscle doesn't weight more than fat. It's just more dense . A lb is a lb. Just a technicality I know, but still :)

    Lets rephrase it: Muscle weighs more than fat per square inch.

    ... cubic ... *ducks*