
christinem0622 Posts: 5 Member
I'd like to start Juicing my dinner meal.... wondering how that will work to be sure I'm not starving before 9pm.... or waking up at 1am to raid the fridge? Any good recipes out there? Tips and tricks or maybe a "HELL NO, what are you thinking girlfriend?"
Thanks in advance!!! :)


  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    Well if you must, why not a smoothie for your dinner meal. You get the benefit of the fruit and fiber,maybe ad some protein powder.
    I like to use a handful of spinach, almond milk, chia seeds, a banana and strawberrys & a scoop of vanilla protein powder (works best if the fruit is frozen). I also like 1/2 avocado, blueberry's & a scoop of chocolate protein powder.
    What is your calorie count like? Do you want to Juice because by the end of the day you don't have much left?
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I'll give you a "hell no, what are you thinking?!"

    What ARE you thinking? What is the reason behind wanting to do this?

    Personally, I find eating more satiating and enjoyable. To me, juice is not a meal - a drink goes down my throat without a thought. I've never juiced, but had smoothies, which satisfied me for about 10 minutes. The only chance it would remotely satisfy me would be if it was a few litres of smoothie with fibre, loads of greens, protein, and fats.
  • HailsBails0753
    HailsBails0753 Posts: 29 Member
    I watched the documentary 'Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead'. Its about a Guy ( Joe Cross) and his juicing/weight loss journey. Definitely worth a watch! I'm sure at first you would be quite hungry after. But your body would adjust eventually. Just gotta push yourself through. :)
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I would hate putting my steak in a blender.... You won't get anything more out of it than when eating a balanced meal...No wait, you will be more satisfied eating a balanced meal....
  • not_my_first_rodeo
    not_my_first_rodeo Posts: 311 Member
    I watched the documentary 'Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead'. Its about a Guy ( Joe Cross) and his juicing/weight loss journey. Definitely worth a watch! I'm sure at first you would be quite hungry after. But your body would adjust eventually. Just gotta push yourself through. :)

    I saw that too. It was worth the time and I thought there were some great insights, but I am so not on that bandwagon. I like texture. I prefer to eat my food rather than drink it.
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    Why do you feel you need to start juicing? Not being snarky - just wondering - why? You can lose weight by cutting your portion sizes, and by picking smart choices (veggies, fruit, lean meats, etc). My 'beef' with juicing is 1) it's a lot of work 2) it's a lot of waste and 3) why not eat in a way that is sustainable for the long term?
  • GemstoneofHeart
    GemstoneofHeart Posts: 865 Member
    I personally think juicing is a terrible idea. You lose all the wonderful fiber (which is what makes you feel full) and get way too much of a sugar spike unless you are juicing all sugar free veggies. It is not healthy despite what "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" wants you to think.
    If you must drink your dinner...go with a smoothie.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    No... Just no.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I watched the documentary 'Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead'. Its about a Guy ( Joe Cross) and his juicing/weight loss journey. Definitely worth a watch! I'm sure at first you would be quite hungry after. But your body would adjust eventually. Just gotta push yourself through. :)

    Oh, Ive seen it when it first came out- my OTT super restrictive, clean eating former self couldn't even do it.

    You have teeth and a digestive system. Use them! Could you survive on liquid nutrition forever? I doubt it.... Could you eat that much produce if you had to chew it and swallow it? Highly unlikely....
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    I would be ridiculously hungry. I agree with the comments about losing fibre, and not getting the steak through (which is a valuable point about lacking protein in your juice). What would your purpose be here? You have already identified some of your concerns about the idea. If you are looking at it as a way to get in additional nutrition from the fruits and veggies, consider doing a smoothie, to which you can add protein, either as powder or as dairy products. Having time to enjoy your food, textures, smells, flavours can be an important part of not feeling deprived.

    I think taking some time to evaluate your reasons and then to determine if those will really help you reach your goals is something worth doing.
  • LilacLion
    LilacLion Posts: 579 Member
    Personally, I would consider juicing if I had some kind of illness that could be treated with high amounts of fruits and veggies. A seven day juice fast got me out of a bad state with gall stones a few years back and saved me from surgery.

    Funny that I saw this post today. I blended my breakfast into a yummy smoothie this morning for the first time. I'm still just not a breakfast person. My ideal breakfast is a veggie, fruit, oatmeal and small glass of Nut Milk accompanied by a small cup of coffee. Some days I just can't face it. So I thought I'd try drinking it. I blended Kale, Mango, banana, oatmeal and Almond Milk this morning. It was great. I felt quite full at the time but I was hungry well within 2 hours. Eating all that food lasts me four to five hours with the same amount of activity. So for me, eating beats drinking.

    But your mileage may vary, as they say. Try it for a night and see if it works for you.

  • jennybearlv
    jennybearlv Posts: 1,519 Member
    edited January 2017
    I think juicing where you remove all the pulp and healthy fiber is a bad idea. I make juice in a blender without straining and it's a good way to cram in extra servings of fruit and, if these days ever get any longer, some garden veggies. It's a delicious snack and sometimes I throw some protein powder in there to make a small meal. I tend to get enough fat from my other meals. If you are usually on your own and don't get anything out of the dining experience then a juice or smoothie with well rounded macros and sufficient calories could be a good dinner. Protein powder, Greek yogurt, or tofu can add protein while nuts, nut butters, or avocados add fat. The internet is overflowing with smoothie and juice recipes. Plug the recipe into MFP's recipe builder and see what you get.
  • mistyholly13
    mistyholly13 Posts: 1 Member
    I watched the documentary 'Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead'. Its about a Guy ( Joe Cross) and his juicing/weight loss journey. Definitely worth a watch! I'm sure at first you would be quite hungry after. But your body would adjust eventually. Just gotta push yourself through. :)

    Hubby and I watched this also. We juice the Mean Green for breakfast since we are not much on eating breakfast. you can get tons of juicing recipes on Joe Cross website. And Amazingly it holds us until lunch with no snacking in between.