Exercising and desk job.

I have a desk job so i spend most of the time sitting down and it really bugs me.
I was thinking of getting a mini stepper and use it while sitting down.
Does it help burn more calories ?


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,031 Member
    Can you ...
    Walk as part of your commute?
    Walk at lunch?
    Climb stairs or do laps of the building on breaks?
    Stand during meetings?
    Walk, cycle, swim, go to the gym or something after work?

  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    I have a desk job as well...IMO, you're better off trying to do other things to increase your NEAT (i.e. general activity) and setting aside time for deliberate exercise/training.

    I do things like park further away from the office...I work on the third floor and take the stairs. I take my breaks and use the restroom in the first floor break room and first floor restroom...when I need to converse with a colleague I go visit them in their office or cubicle when possible rather than emailing or paging them on the phone.

    I do the same when I'm going to the store or whatever...I park further away. When I get home from work, I take that time to do things around the house...whether that's cooking or cleaning or doing some yard work, etc...I don't just park it.

    As exercise goes, I go to the gym on Monday and Thursday evenings to lift and also Saturday mornings. It's winter so most of my cycling at the moment is indoor on my trainer...I do various workouts on my cycling trainer on Tues (usually a recovery ride), Thurs, and Friday and a good training ride on most Sundays. I also often use my lunch break to walk.