Is not eating enough making me fat?



  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Listen to this guy!
    SideSteel wrote: »
    insk8ngf wrote: »
    Studiog608@yahoo was correct about starvation mode. I saw in another post that she is an ACSM certified trainer, so perhaps she does know something about kinesiology and nutrition.
    Starvation mode does exist. Read the article in the link below. To all the idiots who swear it does not exist, get educated before you make stupid posts that attempt to belittle someone else. The childish attacks on others are small minded and petty. Get a life. To the OP, please do some research about the proper way to diet for your needs and goals. In the meantime, read the article in the link below. It's backed by physicians and scientific data.

    the biggest issue I have with this isn't the resources, it's that he's using valid studies on adaptive thermogenesis, something we KNOW exists and it's been measured, and using it to talk about "starvation mode".

    Metabolic downregulation occurs when people lose weight. We know this happens.

    What DOES NOT happen is for people to experience so much slowdown in energy expenditure that they start to gain weight on a caloric intake that used to cause weight loss.

    The adaptive response is not so aggressive that it causes people to store fat in a deficit. It's not possible.

    And while we are at it, there's a massive difference between adrenal insufficiency (a condition that can actually be diagnosed and tested) and adrenal fatigue (a nonspecific diagnosis that pseudoscience practitioners push on people) but Jade seems to group them together in this rather silly article.

    And if it matters (it really doesn't, but I mention this because you mention it above) I'm also a personal trainer.

    Thank you @SideSteel :)