stewartmisty88 Posts: 31 Member
edited January 2017 in Motivation and Support
New to this! Kinda PO right now...just typed a freaking book and it didnt post everything....GGRRRR!!!! Ill keep it short and sweet. Im 5'4 182lbs...6wks pregnant with #4 and could really use some help. Like seriously....i CAN NOT gain another 80lbs. OMG


  • missrunner5
    missrunner5 Posts: 846 Member
    Hi Im pregnant, not obese but ive put on so much weight I want to limit further weight gain. Would love to motivate each other.
  • HelenMC9784
    HelenMC9784 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello! I'm also pregnant, 19 weeks. I'm cute trying to maintain my weight, I have already gained 20 pounds and I also started quite over weight. Could definitely use the motivation of having others to help keep me on track
  • _ankylosaurus_
    _ankylosaurus_ Posts: 28 Member
    I'm 5'1 and started my last pregnancy at 175 and was 184 when I gave birth, but I was very closely medically supervised and maintained excellent nutrition. The fact is, you will gain something. Talk to your doctor about your weight and your concerns. My understanding is that obese pregnant women are not encouraged to gain the "typical" amount of pregnancy weight.
  • belle_h84
    belle_h84 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi there. I am 32 weeks pregnant and and started out my pregnancy very overweight. My Dr. advised me to only gain about 10-15 pounds or less, and fortunately I have been able to do that. So far, I have only gained about 5-6 pounds - which I am guessing is mostly the baby and all the stuff that goes with it. I think being incredibly sick for my first 20 weeks, AND changing my eating habits has helped me to not gain a ton of weight.

    But it is still a struggle to not go overboard at mealtime and not snack all the time. I track in MFP about 70% of the time and I think that has been helpful. And I am always looking for new MFP buddies!
  • glrblondie
    glrblondie Posts: 5 Member
    Me too! I was obese when I got pregnant in Aug 2015. Gained 30 lbs during that pregnancy, and had a c-section delivery. 3 months later, I got pregnant again unplanned! Now, I'm pregnant and more obese than before. I started to gain weight again and at 25 weeks preggo I weigh almost as much now as I did at 40 weeks last time! If I don't take charge and get this weight off or at least stay the same..... I feel like I will never be back to a normal weight again. Therefore, I have started logging and am making better choices everyday.
  • getinmabelly
    getinmabelly Posts: 23 Member
    I have nothing to add to this conversation, but I wanted to see how it turns out, so I'm posting to get the updates :)

    I'm 5'4" and 16st. Pretty much textbook obese. I'm also struggling to get pregnant. I'm 37. The clock is ticking louder and LOUDER!! In a way - while all of you are unhappy with being overweight and pregnant, you have all given me a little ray of hope, so thank you.

    I do have a question though - what have your doctors all said about maintaining or trying to lose weight while pregnant? Is there a risk to the baby doing that? Is there a greater risk of developing pregnancy-related diabetes? Am asking all this out of genuine curiosity and a slight position of ignorance (no kids!), so please feel free to debunk my concerns!
  • stewartmisty88
    stewartmisty88 Posts: 31 Member
    10 to 15lbs would be just fine with me but unfortuantly ive already gained 20 in the last 6 weeks. I was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety just 7 weeks ago. I was prescribed zoloft and vistral which was what i thought....the reason for my weight gain. I just found out i was pregnant last with that and the medication i WAS taking threw my hunger into full gear. With this being my 4th pregnancy youd think id get the hang of things. I swear...i can look at a cake and gain 20lbs. Its very unhealthy for me to have this much weight as i am only 5'4. My BP is waayyyyyy high and im afraid ill have preclampsia again like i did with the last. My youngest is just 6 months old. My doctor adviced me that id really have to be careful with my weight. 10lbs is my max. I have permission to lose as much weight as i can in my first trimester. I need support and advice.
  • stewartmisty88
    stewartmisty88 Posts: 31 Member
    I have nothing to add to this conversation, but I wanted to see how it turns out, so I'm posting to get the updates :)

    I'm 5'4" and 16st. Pretty much textbook obese. I'm also struggling to get pregnant. I'm 37. The clock is ticking louder and LOUDER!! In a way - while all of you are unhappy with being overweight and pregnant, you have all given me a little ray of hope, so thank you.

    I do have a question though - what have your doctors all said about maintaining or trying to lose weight while pregnant? Is there a risk to the baby doing that? Is there a greater risk of developing pregnancy-related diabetes? Am asking all this out of genuine curiosity and a slight position of ignorance (no kids!), so please feel free to debunk my concerns!

    I do know that it can be very difficult to concieve while being obese. The risk of pregnancy related diabetes is very very high in women who are overweight....obese...or gain too much in there pregnancy. Most doctors will let you know your risks and set weight guidelines.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I'll be 24 weeks pregnant Sunday and started out very overweight after struggling with infertility due to PCOS. My weight when I became pregnant was 304 (I'm also 5'10"ish) and as of today, I'm down to 298. I've just been eating sensibly, honestly I get full much easier. I had insulin resistance prior to pregnancy and was just diagnosed with gestational diabetes.

    All that being said, baby is perfectly healthy and my doctor is very pleased! Doctors want to see baby measuring within 10 days of your due date and we are measuring within a day. She's very active and moves constantly! 10lbs is also my max to gain so I'm hoping I can stay on this track for the next 16 weeks!
  • Prissy0964
    Prissy0964 Posts: 8 Member
    edited January 2017
    I'm close to 22 weeks and this is my third pregnancy but I also weigh 282 my dr isn't wanting me to gain anything this pregnancy and so far I haven't but he's still concerned because so far this baby is in the 80 percentile and my last one I had was 10.6lbs so he's wanting me to continue to keep track of what I'm eating. So here I am
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    My wife quit drinking Coca-Cola each time she was pregnant. Since that was always the majority of her calories, she lost weight in each of her pregnancies.

    I don't wish such a life on anyone, but you don't have to gain 80 pounds while pregnant.
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    I'm 5'3.5". My pregnancy started at 210lbs. I only gained 13lbs due to severe food aversions and hyperemesis gravidarum (very severe potentially life threatening morning sickness through my entire pregnancy). All my weight gain occurred in the third trimester after I was hospitalized for being so sick. I had to make myself eat throughout my pregnancy because I had zero interest. I still have a crappy appetite.

    My baby is 7 weeks old and I'm down to 190lbs. I've done nothing to lose the weight except eat to satisfaction, drink a bunch of water (I'm thirsty!) and nurse my daughter. I am not yet cleared for exercise (csection) and I won't intentionally reduce my calories for weight loss until I am done nursing.

    That said, I would love to drop 50-60 pounds.

    If any pregnant, new or renewed moms want to be friends feel free to add me.
  • stewartmisty88
    stewartmisty88 Posts: 31 Member
    edited January 2017
    I know that this thread is about weight gain and loss but i miscarried last night!!
  • stewartmisty88
    stewartmisty88 Posts: 31 Member
    I am staying positive because ive always believed that things happen for a reason. I will continue focusing on my weight. GL to all of you preggo mommys. Ill be TTC again reaallll soon. ❤
  • B28Elliott
    B28Elliott Posts: 39 Member
    edited January 2017

    sorry about your miscarriage. feel free to add me :)
  • mahagonymoose
    mahagonymoose Posts: 8 Member
    edited January 2017
    Im in the same boat regarding being overweight and pregnant. To be honest before getting pregnant I was here trying to lose the weight I gained while being on an antidepressant. My weight had skyrocketed from 206 to 240 (I'm 5'6). I legitimately did not change the way I ate or how much I was moving and weight piled on. I quit the antidepressant and was able to get back down to 220 before getting the exciting news. However upon my first doctor visit, despite me telling my doctor I do high intensity kickboxing for an hour three times a week, and jog 2-3 times a week I was instructed by my doctor to gain ZERO weight while pregnant.

    I am still kickboxing and walking with some modifications (since I did it before I was pregnant and was given the green light to continue) and I keep to a strict 1600 calorie diet too. Regardless of all that, I've gained 20 pounds and I'll be 21 weeks monday. I'm going to start weighing my food, and sticking to just salads and protein for the next few months. Hopefully I can maintain my weight and not gain anymore.
  • kyliempressnell1229
  • Jlan11
    Jlan11 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm also pregnant with baby 4! I'm due September 9, 2017! I'm freaking out a little because this was unexpected and I still have A LOT of weight to lose!! I haven't seen my doctor yet (appointment coming up soon) but I know that he will be happy if I lose a little weight at least during the first trimester! I really hope to lose 10lbs in the next 10 weeks and then if I gain during the last trimester it will be okay! Please add me as friends! I need all the motivation I can get!!
  • asiedu86
    asiedu86 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm with you all. Weight too much and pregnant with an unexpected suprise. Trying to gain negative pounds here. I can lose weight and still keep baby healthy. Hope to hear tips and suggestions througout