100+ lbs to lose



  • Tbias78
    Tbias78 Posts: 120 Member
    Feel free to add me, I have 100 to lose and then I will re-evaluate my end goals.
  • spicyginger2006
    spicyginger2006 Posts: 70 Member
    Anyone on this thread is welcome to add me! I too have a Onederland goal for this year! I have lost 68 lbs ( gained about 15 back over the course of this year) and have kept that weight off since 2012 when I started on here. Need some new friends as this site has changed a bunch and I don't know anyone anymore! Currently 230 and would like to be 195-190 :)
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    I haven't reached onederland yet but I'm close. I started at 310. Feel free to add me or send any questions.

    Your first step of tracking is definitely the way to go. Don't make too many changes at once. Also, what worked for me, was setting small goals. I started with a goal to lose 35 pounds. As I lost I updated my goals.
  • darkhorsechick
    darkhorsechick Posts: 1 Member
    edited January 2017
    I too have 100 pound to lose again, i lost it once then quit smoking and gained back.I'm having a really hard time staying on track as far as eating is concerned :( Guess I just need some help with motivation lol.
  • jshponies
    jshponies Posts: 4 Member
    I am back after being gone for awhile I have 107 pounds to lose to get to my 150 pound goal. It looks like most of us on here are looking for the same goal. Lets all stick together and get this done! I am here for anyone that needs a friend to talk to. :)
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    I feel like a failure. I am the heaviest I have ever been at 260. I have set a goal to get down to a fit and fabulous 150. I have given myself a 2 year window to accomplish this by switching to a Ketogenic diet. My husband and I started that about 6 months ago but family members kept sabotaging our progress (family dinners) I am determined to succeed this time by focusing on my own health and nobody else. So i join you all on this journey. Best of luck to everyone.

    Working with a 2 year window is pretty open ended. I would suggest shifting your focus on day by day logging and eating at a deficit. Maybe a goal of a good week also makes sense. But more than that and it's easy to get discouraged and give up.

    About family members sabotaging your diet, try being more flexible about you eating plan. I don't know if you're going the keto route for health or other reasons, but it's pretty restrictive. Focusing on eating at a deficit is all that's needed for weight loss. When I started I made it very clear to my wife that I'm not about to eat anything I don't like and I'm not cutting out anything I do. Well, I did cut out cake. But I still eat all my favorite foods including ice cream. Obviously, it has to be according to the plan.

    Good luck and definitely don't feel like a failure. It took my 40 years to finally get it done.
  • cdbjr2000
    cdbjr2000 Posts: 63 Member
    I started 1/1/17 again. I would like to loose any weight that I can but do need to loose 100 lbs. Looking for friends for support and motivation.
  • merrynotwise
    merrynotwise Posts: 5 Member
    I have 100lb-ish to loose too. Starting with the first 5lbs is way too much to think of all at once. tips and support deg needed!
  • Jessluvseste
    Jessluvseste Posts: 2 Member
    Hello nice to meet you all. My name is Jessica I am 29 soon to be 30 years old my current weight is 294. I am in the process of losing 120 lbs. I have addiction to soda so dropping it is going to be hard. I started hardcore diet on 1/1/2017. I have now gone 4 days without soda and feel kind of bad. Looking for support and help on my journey. Please add me if you are interested. i will be a supportive person also :)
  • Reaverie
    Reaverie Posts: 405 Member
    Well, started this journey yesterday after downloading and deleting "pacer" a dozen times or so until it functioned in a respectable approximation of what it advertised it was suppose to do. While perusing the app's functions I ran across the mention of "myfitnesspal" that works in conjunction with the app so thought I would give it a go as well. A little about myself, (as you can see from the horrendous picture that I bravely displayed for all to see), I have well over 100 lbs to lose. This is the heaviest I have ever been and I feel rather ashamed of myself for letting it get this far. Four years ago a trauma happened in my family that left me (and my faith in God and mankind) shaken and I excused myself from the human race and took an extended "unpaid" sabbatical to recover from the upheaval that pretty much destroyed my will to function in society. I dropped out of college, pulled my kids from public school (which actually was a good thing, just done for the wrong reasons), and destroyed my health. I now struggle with hypothyroidism and other various issues, but there is no one to blame for my self destructive downfall but myself. It has been a long journey and I still have a ways to go, but I have recovered from the worst of it and am ready to rejoin the human race and repair the damage that has been done both physically and spiritually. I am starting off with manageable goals to begin with, 3k steps a day, 1800 calories a day, 8 glasses of water a day, and Pilates three times a week. If anyone else also feels the pain of struggling to stay motivated day to day when the world of wide web offers so many Oh so many delightful distractions, feel free to extend an invitation of friendship and I'll see what I can do to offer up some semblance of motivational support in your direction. Cheers!
  • hotpeppersweet
    hotpeppersweet Posts: 3 Member
    Im 29 and will be 30 in a couple of weeks. I am currently at 237 lbs... the highest I have ever been at 5ft 6 in. my goal weight is 145 and I plan to achieve that before the end of the year. I have just started my own version of keto.. you can add me and maybe we can motivate each other.
  • enlighted09
    enlighted09 Posts: 22 Member
    I want on board. I got 162 lbs to lose. I've loss weight before but life happens which bad choices. I'm fired up now. This is for me and no one else. I got the right mind set now to get it off and keep it off. Got some medical issues that tend to place stumbling blocks, but it's alright. You guys are awesome. I could sure use the extra motivation to keep at it. How do I sign up?
  • terrilynn0612
    terrilynn0612 Posts: 1 Member
    Like the rest of you I also need to lose at least a 100+ pounds to get to my goal weight I have found that I do much better with a support system with people with are in my same situation I would love to be a part of the group good luck to everyone with reaching there goals
  • restors
    restors Posts: 24 Member
    Hey currently 270 haven't even bothered to look up my BMI ! Under 200's would be great ☺ my first goal though is -42lbs in 90 days. Feel free to add me if you like no such thing as too much support
  • Sector725
    Sector725 Posts: 27 Member
    I too have over 100 lbs to lose. I'm 8 pounds below my heaviest (starting weight) and hovering juuuust under 300. Like honestly wtf. I think adding friends on this app has made me so much more accountable and active. I've been a member on and off for three years but never had the support of others working through the same struggles. Please add me and let's get to onederland together!!
  • alainadbabb
    alainadbabb Posts: 2 Member
    Oh my goodness you guys! This is my first time actually committing to this goal of 100 lbs to lose. I'm the heaviest I've ever been (255). My goal is 155 by the end of the year. Please add me as a friend and we can work to do this together! Good luck!
  • Emloula82
    Emloula82 Posts: 21 Member
    I would love to add some friends for support but I'm not sure how to do it!! I have well over 100 pounds to lose but I'm trying not to focus on exactly how much I need to lose and just focus on 7 pounds lose at a time. Em x
  • getoffin1year
    getoffin1year Posts: 87 Member
    I'd like to join this board. On December 8th I weighed 320 and promised to never see that numbernumber again. I've lost 21lbs so far with the desire to be under 200 and ultimately in a healthy bmi range. Cheering you all on!
  • jabigail55
    jabigail55 Posts: 8 Member
    I also have 100+ to lose. Feel free to add me!
  • MinnJenn
    MinnJenn Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, you can add me! I had 100 to lose and am down 15 pounds so 85 to go. I started ketogenics a couple of weeks ago and so far it's been easy for me to follow but I'll need motivation as well! Good luck to all of you!