What was everyone's motivation?



  • ShinySkyShaymin1994
    ShinySkyShaymin1994 Posts: 105 Member
    HeyaBerg wrote: »
    HeyaBerg wrote: »
    My motivation was a doctor who said I'd never be fit or flexible (I was very overweight and I have fibromyalgia) .. That I was supposed to workout with the super old people at the pool..
    I told him to shut it and signed up for pole fitness lessons

    Omg if only I can get you to talk to my cousin! She has Fibromyalgia as well and miserable and is extreme pain! Good for you!

    She just gotta push through the pain. It'll be worth it. Hurts like hell the first 2-3 months... then it starts to get better.. I don't feel any symptoms unless I forget to take the medicine that help me sleep but then I just can't sleep and I get restless leg syndromex10. But all the other pain.. gone :)

    Yeah I know she needs to that's the most difficult part and what's worse is she's germaphobic and had anxiety so idk how I can get her to do what she needs to do to get more comfort and do you drink tea and are there herbs you can't eat? There are teas that help induce sleep I love drinking tea I drink several different teas
  • thisonetimeatthegym
    thisonetimeatthegym Posts: 1,977 Member
    km8907 wrote: »
    Nobody takes me seriously as a fat woman. Hell I'm lucky if people even bother to look at me at all. At some point, people stop treating you like an actual person. That's probably why I spend so much time on the forums.

    You don’t look fat to me.
  • TLC227
    TLC227 Posts: 210 Member
    I like looking good in clothes.
  • lowcarbog
    lowcarbog Posts: 42 Member
    Great question! I have a few reasons:

    -I want all my clothes to fit properly for once
    -I want to run 1/2 marathon in 2018
    -I want to play basketball again(and sprain my ankle again...13 times that's happened to me)
    -I want to live as long as possible, love to see the age of 132-134
  • km8907
    km8907 Posts: 3,861 Member
    km8907 wrote: »
    Nobody takes me seriously as a fat woman. Hell I'm lucky if people even bother to look at me at all. At some point, people stop treating you like an actual person. That's probably why I spend so much time on the forums.

    You don’t look fat to me.

    lol alright.
  • Landoficeandsnow
    Landoficeandsnow Posts: 139 Member
    1. Wanted to get healthy for my significant other
    2. Wanted to feel good about myself
    3. My dad
  • KeysBumII
    KeysBumII Posts: 3 Member
    I don't like being fat.
  • nightengale7
    nightengale7 Posts: 563 Member
    My knees were starting to really hurt, and I've always hated how I looked. I want to love myself and my body, not because I'm some magic number on a scale, but because I'm beautiful and healthy.
  • JenSchimanski
    JenSchimanski Posts: 77 Member
    I didn't want to be the biggest Mum at my sons Formal Leaving Dinner from College. Being a work in progress, I now need to find a new goal and doing this for someone else is much easier than for myself.
  • loumrn
    loumrn Posts: 63 Member
    Getting out of breath trying to put on skinny jeans. Properly out of breath.
  • RWayne48
    RWayne48 Posts: 68 Member
    heading towards my 50th bday and knowing I'm in the worst shape of my life. High blood pressure and obesity run in the family and the holiday get together definitely showed me examples of what I don't want to become.
    We also have a couple gardens (veg, berries and flowers) on the property that I would like to be able to help with rather than laying the burden of yard work on the hubby
  • joemac1988
    joemac1988 Posts: 1,021 Member
    Used to be: Hated my chubby self
    Now: Love the changes I've made, hungry for more. Also, if you're not improving, you're going backwards. I ain't going back.
  • dantew04
    dantew04 Posts: 73 Member
    Mine stems from:

    Being very skinny as a child and getting teased really impacted my view of who I was to others. I learnt to despise that about myself and though I got past the extreme hatred of it, my slim frame, over the years has led to many assuming/still assuming I was/am a walk over (which, actually, in my kickboxing days I would use to my advantage). Or weak and okay to push past.

    Also, while I learnt to like my slim frame and low percent body fat, I wound up critically ill in 2012 to the point I was hospitalised and borderline malnourished. Seeing my skeletal looking frame freaked me out and clothes hung off me for ages afterward so I have always had a deep fear of going back to that (even though it couldn't be helped).

    Lately though... I do this because I like the challenge. I'm so used to being no more than 10 stone, having a lean, vascular, toned look and being super speedy that the thought of consuming loads of calories and bulking up more kinda scares me, as well as intrigues me. Part of me is also like 'surely I could never go above 10 stone?' so I am setting about proving myself wrong and going against my normal routines. Weight gain has always been a huge challenge for me... and well...I like a challenge. So time to break the mould!

  • maggiepz
    maggiepz Posts: 141 Member
    HeyaBerg wrote: »
    HeyaBerg wrote: »
    My motivation was a doctor who said I'd never be fit or flexible (I was very overweight and I have fibromyalgia) .. That I was supposed to workout with the super old people at the pool..
    I told him to shut it and signed up for pole fitness lessons

    She just gotta push through the pain. It'll be worth it. Hurts like hell the first 2-3 months... then it starts to get better.. I don't feel any symptoms unless I forget to take the medicine that help me sleep but then I just can't sleep and I get restless leg syndromex10. But all the other pain.. gone :)

    I am so glad the pain will be worth it. I also have fibro, and degenerative discs, syndrome X, sleep apnea and a triglyceride level so high they couldn't even do the complete profile. The Lipitor they have me on magnified the pain to the point of me being almost nonfunctional but since I'm so high risk I'm told I need to stay on it. I did my first "old people" water fitness class on Wed and thought I wouldn't survive the first 10 min with all the spasms but kept with it and I'm glad I did. I hope over time it will help I am sure. I have gained some flexibility, more than I have had in YEARS, by going to the local beauty school and getting a firm massage, it's only $20 for 40 minutes and the cost is definitely doable especially since I used to spend double that every week on fast food. It has allowed me to get some range of motion back because I can then stretch. Have you tried a heated mattress pad? It does help at night but I still sleep little because of the pain.
  • ale527
    ale527 Posts: 95 Member
    I hated feeling so lazy, depressed, and sluggish every day. I started over so many times but my whole world changed last year when I signed up for pole fitness classes and started being around people that kept me motivated and were fit.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,369 Member
    I like looking good in clothing
  • Miz_T
    Miz_T Posts: 150 Member
    edited January 2017
    Mine was a variety of things. I had quit smoking the year before, had gained weight and wanted to do something about it. I also lost a friend who was a few years younger than me which totally freaked me out. People around my age were getting heart disease, having strokes, kicking the bucket, it was spooky. FTR, I'm not afraid of death, I'm afraid of the act of dying.
  • Justjayde1984
    Justjayde1984 Posts: 187 Member
    Recently had a hysterectomy got no children. Went through depression piled on pounds. Sock of feeling sorry for myself, been out of breath when walking etc. .....so new year healthy mind healthy body..Need to do this to get in better frame of mind.