new and need some help plz

Hello everyone I'm Marion, I'm 28 years old and I use to weigh 262pounds 2 years ago. I'm exercising a lot more then I use to but I can't get out of the 170's I eat healthy and ride my bike when I'm not at the gym. I do strength training and cardio. But I'm still not losing. I've asked my doctor what I'm doing wrong and he swears I'm over eating but I'm lucky if I meet my goal of 1365 calories a day. I use to do protein shakes but I got tired of doing them after 2years.. is there something else I can do or am I stuck at this weight for good? I'm not listening to my doctor that's for sure. He wants me to stop eating for s month and he said I'll be fine I'm not going to die... yeah but no, not for me. Any input would be greatly appreciated. I'm desperate and starting to stress out about it. I've put in so much effort and seem to be getting nowhere..


  • DeniseNichole76
    DeniseNichole76 Posts: 303 Member
    Are you tracking your food correctly? And by that I mean are you measuring your portions correctly? Do you measure or guestimate?
  • gigglez0404
    gigglez0404 Posts: 4 Member
    I use measuring cups, I don't have a food scale or anything like that.. I've also noticed my food log isn't as healthy as it use to be.. and I usually eat meat that's the size of a deck of cards.. need to start over I guess.