How often should I weigh myself

I know a lot of people weigh in everyday, my partner said monthly but that's too long and I'd lose motivation, I was thinking weekly or fortnightly but not sure yet, what do you do?


  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    If you use it for motivation, you might be better off doing it just weekly or biweekly.

    If you can think of it as a data point within your long-term trend, you might want to weigh daily to see how your weight fluctuates (and it will) and think about using an app to smooth out the data such as Happy Scale for iOS or Libra for Android.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    You do what is best for you. I started off with fortnightly weigh ins and used to feel disheartened seeing that the scale didn't budge much if at all in that time. When I switched to daily weigh ins and tracked my weight I could see all the fluctuations but that the general trend was down... daily is best for me but as I say, you do what you feel is best for you.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    I've been a daily weigher for several years now because I like the data but I focus on monthly trends and not daily/weekly so much :)
  • Ming1951
    Ming1951 Posts: 514 Member
    I think many weigh once a week, I weigh everyday. It doesn't bother me when I see the numbers go up or stagnant each day as long as I see it going downward overall. If it goes up I see what I ate usually it was salty and then i know I am retaining fluid or I didn't have enough protein. I'm learning what works for me. We are all different so you will find which works for you.
  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    i weigh every morning as soon as i get up - but know that that number is just one of many factors - i like seeing a 5 day trend because i can see how even being up slightly one day, can still have an overall downward trend
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I've always been a once a week weigher and it was fine. Lately I've starting weighing on Sunday and Wednesday mornings.
  • donjtomasco
    donjtomasco Posts: 790 Member
    Every morning for me. I always think how much it would suck if I only weighed weekly and that day happened to be my only bad days weight of the week. That would send me into a funk. Plus I like to have all those numbers available to later look back at trends that I might be interested in seeing. It's kind of cool over time to have that much data on something that it not 'that' easy to do, which is changing bad eating habits and adding exercise to our lives.
  • Prince_of_Mind
    Prince_of_Mind Posts: 21 Member
    I weigh every 2nd or 3rd day. I would like to do it weekly but I don't have enough self control to do so.
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    Here is my suggestion based on what works for me after trying different things and looking at what happens. First weight loss is just not linear at all. I see my weight bounce up and down on a daily basis. I weigh every day, (early morning after I pee), then I track that along my seven day running average. The 7 day average smooths out the ups and downs and lets me see a trend over time.
  • ajaysharma316
    ajaysharma316 Posts: 104 Member
    I weigh daily. It helps me keep motivated...
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    There really aren't any rules...

    I weigh in 2-3x per week.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I weigh every day because I'm a data nerd; but I only record my weight once a week to focus on trends rather than daily fluctuations
  • CasperNaegle
    CasperNaegle Posts: 936 Member
    for me, its never. i jsut go by how my clothes fit. if they look too snug or form fitting i know i gotta move more and eat less

    This is a good point.. Weight is only one measurement to use. I use calipers and measure my waist and chest where my fat tends to sit the longest. I wouldn't get overly hung up on the scale alone.
  • ritornello
    ritornello Posts: 7 Member
    I've been weighing every day but that's more to help keep me on a routine more than everything since my exercise equipment is in my garage with my scale.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    For me personally, daily works best. I did find that I lost motivation and kind of went off the rails when I tried to do weekly. Even if the number goes up a little, it makes me feel better to know where I'm at.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Instead of worrying about what everyone else is doing and what people think you should be doing you need to consider what works for you. You won't get very far with your weight loss if you are overly concerned with everyone else. If you think weekly is right for you then try it. If later you decide you'd rather weigh in more often or less often you are free to change your mind and do so. Take some control over your life - these are easy choices you're fretting over.
  • Healthydiner65
    Healthydiner65 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Every morning at the same time before eating or drinking.
  • ibamosaserreinas
    ibamosaserreinas Posts: 294 Member
    I've tried all sorts of intervals... I've been a daily, weekly, and monthly weigher. Weighing daily helps me stay on track, and provides more data. Weekly work ok but in the end I really wanted more information. Monthly just didn't give me a clear picture of my progress and it was too easy to have high calories days and not feel accountable for it. I lose faster weighing daily simply because I am more inclined to stay within my calorie zone.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    edited January 2017
    I weigh daily and put that weight in here and in my spreadsheet. I calc out my day change, 7 day change, month to month change BMI, 7 day BMI ave and total % of weight lost. Also have the graph of my weight in Excel.

    But there is something seriously wrong with me :)

    I'd be more demotivated if my weigh in day was an up day and missed out weighing on a down day then I am by weighing daily. I get up, let the dogs out, pee and stand on the scale (twice, but my scale is stupid). Then 30 mins on the treadmill and back upstairs for breakfast.

    You will have to figure out what works for you. I think asking for what others do is fine and can provide insights, but we are all different people and what works for me (I need the routine) will definitely not work for everyone. You can play around and try different things out until you settle on what works for you.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Depends on you. Are you a data junkie? Then do this daily - maybe even multiple times a day to see how your body reacts to your routine.

    If this is something you are going to obsess over in a negative manner, then weekly - preferably in the morning first thing after voiding.