40 pound goal

My name is Kim and I've gained and lost weight all my life. Exercise is not the problem in that I'm an avid bicyclist and former triathlete. I ride about 100 miles per week on average, less in the winter more in the summer. I have issue with portion control in that I can eat much more than I burn on the bike and have a taste for high calorie craft beer. I'm beginning a new effort to control my diet and do more weight training. My hope is to be much lighter by spring so that I can keep up with some old friends and use some of my skinny clothes that are over taking my closet.


  • TinaBambinamfp
    TinaBambinamfp Posts: 24 Member
    Hey there, I think you have great goal! My goal is pretty similar. I also have boxes of my skinny clothes very, very, patiently waiting for me. I am looking to start focusing on fitness & nutrition and start my journey to try a longer distance triathlon, but I could never find the balance between the two. I'd like to work toward that this year.