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Weightloss games?

Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions on how to turn a work out into a game? I would love to put in a serious sweat session but once it starts to hurt I lose interest and want to give up. Does any one have any suggestions on ways to make working out fun? Especially at home workouts? I would love to find some games that require getting up and moving around and really help.


  • xtina1081
    xtina1081 Posts: 505 Member
    I don't have any game suggestions (sorry) but I do have a competition w/friends going on our fitbits. That has got me motivated to do more than I would normally do.
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    hmmm...let's see??

    I hear sex is fun. That's a good way to burn calories. Other than that exercising pretty much sucks. B)

    *ducks before the gym nuts read this*