Activity calories different on FitBit and MFP?


I am sure this question has been asked a million times over, but I can't seem to get the right answer from reading through the forums. So I'm finally just going to ask!

I've had my fitbit zip for about three days.

Yesterday, I wore my FB all day. When I did my capoeira class at night, I wore both my fitbit and my HRM. My HRM recorded a calorie burn of 571 while my FB only recorded about 250.

I know HRM's are more accurate so I decided to log the exercise calories on MFP.

Here's my issue: When I logged the exercise calories on MFP, my FB only displayed a total daily burn of 1752 (including exercise calories from MFP). I then logged it on FB and deleted it off MFP and the total daily burn was 2100. Now, I don't just like the latter cos it's higher (lol), but it's more believable.

So my question is, why does this happen? I've logged the start time correctly, the duration, everything! I can't seem to figure it out. Which one is correct, where should I log?

Edit: I've just realised that my daily total on Fitbit isn't increased by exercise calories I enter on MFP, it remains as though I haven't exercised, that's why it's appearing as though it's not logging.