Jan to March Weight Tracker

Carvaka Posts: 35 Member
Hi all, I have some wight to drop (25kg/50+lbs) and I am going to do it over three 3 month sections. My first target is 10kg (22lbs) over January to March. I always do better when I can see week to week that I am dropping so I have a little spreadsheet to record the weight each Sunday.

If anyone would like to do this first 3 month period with me, the link for the spreadsheet is:


Feel free to add yourself to the spreadsheet. I like the accountability when a few people go on the journey together. I will post my weight up here week to week as well. The more the merrier :-) My goal is to lose 800g per week (~1.5 lbs). I am listing in kg and lbs, but feel free just to use your regional measure.

Weigh days are:




  • Carvaka
    Carvaka Posts: 35 Member
    SW 105kg, GW 95kg (Long term 78.9kg)
  • Carvaka
    Carvaka Posts: 35 Member
    Week 1 - 104kg, lost 1kg
  • K3rB3ar89
    K3rB3ar89 Posts: 263 Member
    Ahh i was in a group like this acouple years ago and was just thinking how great it would be to have it back!
  • Carvaka
    Carvaka Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome to join :-) I am flying solo atm, but going to run 3 back to back over the next 9 months.

    Week 2 for me - 103.7, down 300g.

    Was a good week, still down a little bit and I have increased my activity significantly. Started 30mins walking in the morning and 30 mins in the evening. My body took it pretty hard at first, it is more activity than I have done for awhile! But slowly getting used to it. Will phase in strength training in another 3 weeks.
  • asrai50
    asrai50 Posts: 937 Member
    edited January 2017
    Super fun :) I added myself to your spreadsheet. I really need to learn how to make spreadsheets....

    So I put in my information from the time frame you started and will just keep up along with you :)
  • aoibhs22
    aoibhs22 Posts: 55 Member
    Date: 16.01.17
    Starting weight: 80kg / 176.37 / 12.5978
    Weekly weight:79kg
    January goal: 75kg /143.3 / 10.2357
    Ultimate goal- 60kg / 132.277 / 9.44838
  • Carvaka
    Carvaka Posts: 35 Member
    Woohoo :-) Always better with people!
  • iqraafshan95
    iqraafshan95 Posts: 6 Member
    Starting weight 60 kg
    weight now is 57 kg
    Hoping for 52 kg height
    61.5 inch
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Starting Weight: 151lbs(01/01/2017)
    Goal Weight: 140lbs(26/03/2017)

    08/01/17: 150.8lbs(-0.2lbs)
    15/01/17: 149.4lbs(-1.4lbs)
  • Carvaka
    Carvaka Posts: 35 Member
    103.7 for me, which was smack on last week. Still happy with my progression, my activity levels are higher and I hosted a bbq yesterday at my house that saw a sodium spike. Likely see a quick drop during the week, hoping for a good drop in the next weigh in.
  • asrai50
    asrai50 Posts: 937 Member
    I just stalled out this week...grrr Hoping I see a good loss next week to make up for it!
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Starting Weight: 151lbs(01/01/2017)
    Goal Weight: 140lbs(26/03/2017)

    08/01/17: 150.8lbs(-0.2lbs)
    15/01/17: 149.4lbs(-1.4lbs)
    22/01/17: 149.4lbs(0lbs)
  • Carvaka
    Carvaka Posts: 35 Member
    asrai50 wrote: »
    I just stalled out this week...grrr Hoping I see a good loss next week to make up for it!

    I know the feeling! 103.4/227 for me this week, a loss of about 1lb. This week was a good example of why I track. I felt I had a really bad week, but still on a downward trend, which is good.

    I just had my first child, he is 5 months now, so learning how to build a healthy lifestyle with different time pressures now. Along with that, I was diagnosed with Hashimotos (thyroid stopped working) about 6 months ago, and I have been working with the doc to get the thyroid medications right, last test showed my levels were still low, so it looks like we will finally get the dose right this week, ahich should help enormously with the weight loss.

    But, in it for the long haul, I am tracking downward, although slower than I would like. My wins are my activity levels are higher, but I think I can work on consistency. In terms of food I need to work on portion size....as always :-)

    Goal for next weeks weigh in is to get to 102.9 to build some more momentum.
  • ShaleSelkies
    ShaleSelkies Posts: 251 Member
    edited January 2017
    I had to modify some dates since they'd already passed but I'd like to join from today!

    Starting Weight: 130 lbs(02/01/2017)
    Goal Weight: 120 lbs (26/03/2017)

    08/01/17: 128.4lbs (-1.6lbs)
    18/01/17: 125.8lbs(-2.6lbs)
    23/01/17: 128.6 lbs(+2.8lbs)
    28/01/17: 126.0 lbs(-2.6lbs)
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Starting Weight: 151lbs(01/01/2017)
    Goal Weight: 140lbs(26/03/2017)

    08/01/17: 150.8lbs(-0.2lbs)
    15/01/17: 149.4lbs(-1.4lbs)
    22/01/17: 149.4lbs(0lbs)
    29/01/17: 147.8lbs(-1.6lbs)
  • new_me_mw_2017
    new_me_mw_2017 Posts: 4 Member
    Starting weight-Jan 1st (132.9 lbs)
    Current weight as of Jan 28th (130 lbs)
    Progress: 2.9 lbs (hopefully not just water weight
  • asrai50
    asrai50 Posts: 937 Member
    Carvaka wrote: »
    I know the feeling! 103.4/227 for me this week, a loss of about 1lb. This week was a good example of why I track. I felt I had a really bad week, but still on a downward trend, which is good.

    I just had my first child, he is 5 months now, so learning how to build a healthy lifestyle with different time pressures now. Along with that, I was diagnosed with Hashimotos (thyroid stopped working) about 6 months ago, and I have been working with the doc to get the thyroid medications right, last test showed my levels were still low, so it looks like we will finally get the dose right this week, ahich should help enormously with the weight loss.

    But, in it for the long haul, I am tracking downward, although slower than I would like. My wins are my activity levels are higher, but I think I can work on consistency. In terms of food I need to work on portion size....as always :-)

    Goal for next weeks weigh in is to get to 102.9 to build some more momentum.

    Congrats on that new baby! Hashimoto's is rough, hope they get your meds sorted out soon. I am impressed you trending down at all considering your meds still aren't exactly where they need to be. Great job :)
  • asrai50
    asrai50 Posts: 937 Member
    Down another 1.2 this week....slow and steady is better than backwards!
  • Carvaka
    Carvaka Posts: 35 Member
    I had to modify some dates since they'd already passed but I'd like to join from today!

    Starting Weight: 130 lbs(02/01/2017)
    Goal Weight: 120 lbs (26/03/2017)

    08/01/17: 128.4lbs (-1.6lbs)
    18/01/17: 125.8lbs(-2.6lbs)
    23/01/17: 128.6 lbs(+2.8lbs)
    28/01/17: 126.0 lbs(-2.6lbs)

    Welcome aboard!
  • Carvaka
    Carvaka Posts: 35 Member
    Forest91 wrote: »
    Starting Weight: 151lbs(01/01/2017)
    Goal Weight: 140lbs(26/03/2017)

    08/01/17: 150.8lbs(-0.2lbs)
    15/01/17: 149.4lbs(-1.4lbs)
    22/01/17: 149.4lbs(0lbs)
    29/01/17: 147.8lbs(-1.6lbs)

    Great week for you!