My Motivation needs some TLC

Hey all!

Been on here for a few years now and still haven't completed my goal weight! I went back to secondary school, gained weight, lost it during the summer and gained it back in the new school year!
Now I will be entering my final term and I need some good motivational support!

Looking for anyone who needs a boost and enjoys friendly and support "competition" (by that I mean - wow! They did 30 minutes of exercise, I want to beat that!") :p


  • JanieC93
    JanieC93 Posts: 34 Member
    edited January 2017

    Sorry just bumping my post :P
  • LillysMomma09
    LillysMomma09 Posts: 272 Member
    Hi there! Add me, I've been active on here for over a year now. I will help support you :smile:
    Is your goal weight realistic to where you are right now?
    I started off with 10 pound increments, that seemed to help me.