Off the diet track !!!

memecm Posts: 5 Member
Hi, have been doing really well until these last couple of weeks, I seem to have this little guy inside and have been eating lots of stuff I haven't had a lot of in the last 4months. Don't mean I haven't cheated, but this is like I know its not good but eat anyway. Today for instance. started off well, had lunch of tuna and some crackers (we were on vaca and on road) then stopped at a DD had a key lime donut and an iced latte light ..)YIKES in calories). Ok now for supper I had a philly cheese steak.. course the bread tasted good as I don't eat much of that at all . Having a hard time getting back in swing of things One good thing is exercise I did was a lot of :cry: :cry: :cry: walking while on the mountain and driving and stopping to look at all the awesome sight and that gave me more numbers but even before that I went 400 over my limit Any ideas ?? Thanks for letting me babble. javascript:add_smiley('cry','topic_body')