Accountability - living abroad

Hi ladies! I am still looking for some accountability ladies as friends. I'm from America but have been living overseas in Outer Mongolia with my husband for the past 3 years. And those around me have a much different idea of what's healthy than I do. My weakness is chocolate and I've learned I do best with my diet when I allow myself one indulgence of chocolate a day - especially in the form of Oreos. My biggest temptation is care packages from home and when we're traveling away from home. Trust me, Mongolian food is not the vegetable stir fry you get at restaurants - so trips to Korea, Thailand, and China are major treats! I'm going back to America for a couple months in November, so I'm trying to finish strong. When I came to Mongolia I had worked an office job and got up to 194.4 pounds :/ and I thought I'd lose the weight immediately like I did when we lived in Nepal. But it look a lot of work to lose the first 30 pounds. I'm currently around 163.4. I've got a goal to lose 1 pound a week until 120-125. (I'm 5'6") I like to keep things simple and real, and to me, numbers never lie. I am diligent about logging honestly and keeping track using my Apple Watch. So if you want a friend - please add me as a friend or send me a message. :)