Mom of two - loosing weight and staying healthy

gibarr81 Posts: 2 Member
edited January 2017 in Motivation and Support
Hello all,

I'm a mother of two and have always struggled with weight. I am now 162 and looking to be 145. I do good for a few weeks, loose a couple of lbs then will get tired of tracking and waking up early to exercise. It has been a battle for the last 6 years. 2016 was not the greatest year and I'm looking for motivation to finally loose what I need. This is my first time posting on this community and I'm all about a friendly competition to keep me motivated. It's really not about being skinny, I want to be the healthiest I can be for my kids. Of course that it will boost my ego and I'll be more confident about myself, which right now will be a huge plus. Would be interesting to share accomplishments and difficult times with someone going through the same situation as me.