Getting off to a good start!

I been using myfitnesspal since December 01, 2016 to January 05, 2017 consistently and have had no help except reading things off the Internet and have lost 34 pounds! on my way to a goal of losing a total of 154 pounds.


  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Congratulations to an awesome first month! that is a great start for sure!
  • johnnyledford1
    johnnyledford1 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you very much! I have been sticking with the calorie counter and watching my sugar intake is practically zero. I'm eating around 1500 calories a day and myfitnesspal say's I should eat 2160 calories per day.
  • Amik07
    Amik07 Posts: 13 Member
    good morning, I have taken most of December without post my meals, I did not follow my program, I ate what ever I wanted, it made me realize how addicted I am about eating, over the holidays I have had the time to reflect on what I was doing to my body and realizing this is not the way to lose the 50 pounds I want to lose. So I made a decision into the new year, to start all over again like always but this time with a plan to be honest, eat less, move, more and laugh a lot. I cannot beat myself up any more it has been only this past year that I have learned to love my self just as I am. I really want to lose the weight, I am a survivor of Breast Cancer for 19 years, and during my treatment I went on a drug for 5 years and I gained a lot of weight mostly around my mid body. But I can't use this as an excuse.

    I am a very active I go to aqua fit classes 3 times a week, I go to a program in my community where we do exercises in a chair and some standing, I have a my both knees replaced, one will be 5 years and the other recently last year. I use to walk every day but I can't do it any more, but still walk indoors for the winter months, I live in Canada and we have been getting a lot of snow and slippery conditions for walking.

    The past 5 years I have been researching foods and I now realize I cannot eat the processed foods any more, I have to cut eating bread which is my biggest problem, I love bread. I have to eat more veggies, fruit and drink the water. and record my intake every day.
  • johnnyledford1
    johnnyledford1 Posts: 13 Member
    Good Morning I really liked your post and I just wanted to encourage you to use myfitnesspal to track everything you eat and drink and watch your calorie intake and you will see the pounds start to decrease like I did I just reached the 35 pounds lost today and it feels great I feel like I'm accomplishing something for real. I started on December 01, 2016 and today is January 06, 2017. I'm no longer counting coffee as water and limiting myself to 4 cups a day.
  • johnnyledford1
    johnnyledford1 Posts: 13 Member
    Today I limited myself to 3 cups of coffee and Started drinking something called Patriot Power Greens 8 oz and 16 oz water and will drink plenty more water. I'm stuck at 289 pounds, for the time being. I haven't lost a pound for 2 days but I'm holding steady. I have stopped having Acid Reflux and Gerd and increased the acid level in my stomach by stop taking my medicine and I don't have any heartburn or regurgitation of acid like I used too.
  • johnnyledford1
    johnnyledford1 Posts: 13 Member
    Tonight when I completed my Food and Exercise diary it said in 5 weeks my weight would be 272.8 pounds. That will be February 11, 2017. I can't wait. I'm seeing a dietitian on Monday I will see if I can learn anything new.
  • John6729C
    John6729C Posts: 2 Member
    Based on the suggestions I have received from my trainer about my own diet goals, it seems like your daily calories of 1500 sounds a bit aggressive. My weight is currently 214 and my calorie limit is currently at 1875. Some days it is difficult to stay within the limits on the macro nutrients, but I think the calorie total is reasonable for the time being.
  • johnnyledford1
    johnnyledford1 Posts: 13 Member
    Today, January 10, 2017, I weighed 287 pounds. I'm down 37 pounds from a high of 324 on December 01, 2016.