Quick breakfast suggestions needed

As my kids return to school next week my mornings will become hectic. I know my children will not eat the same items I do, so making one meal for everyone will not work.
What are some quick low fat/cal. breakfast ideas? I did Slimfast drinks before, but i feel there's a healthier option. Thanks!


  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    i pre-make my breakfast for the week on Sunday -right now its a spinach/feta egg bake, then just nuke and go in the am
  • janicelo1971
    janicelo1971 Posts: 823 Member
    i pre bake mini quiches in cupcake pans. i also do smoothies with spinach and low calorie foods..
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    Protein bars! I suggest Detour and Quest
  • cutrumel
    cutrumel Posts: 1 Member
    Quest bars are amazing! The amount of fiber in them really helps with keeping you full!
  • jonjaxmom
    jonjaxmom Posts: 77 Member
    I cook up hard boiled eggs ahead and grab a couple of them in the morning with some fruit or yogurt and a cup of joe. Holds me over pretty well.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Freezer egg dishes -McMuffins or burritos

    I baked 9 egg "patties" using a 9x9 pan. Cut into squares & stash in the freezer with slices of Canadian bacon. I use the "patties" for McMuffins. I keep high fiber English muffins in the fridge, while toasting I add a slice of 2% cheese & heat the egg and bacon.

    Pre-cooked steel cut oats. My slow cooker is too hot. But several people use an overnight method of cooking and stash the leftovers to re-heat everyday. If this doesn't have enough protein (to be filling) .....add a scoop of protein powder after heating.
  • l4it
    l4it Posts: 3 Member
    Hard boiled eggs--I usually cook half a dozen at a time and peel them and put in a bowl or baggie. I eat one or two in the am along with a slice of whole wheat toast- (kids usually have a waffle so the toaster is already out) Add a cup of coffee and voila!

    I also like overnight oats-- oats, almond milk, fruit and you have breakfast waiting in the fridge.

    another option- protein shakes that are pre-made along with a piece of fruit or a few almonds.