Thyroid problem: going up and down constantly


I found a few thread about thyroid and hypothyroidism, but nothing that related to my situation. Fast fact: back in 2011 I lost 20 pounds in about 5 months eating clean and doing exercise. Since then, I stopped losing and starting gaining back and even more. I am now at 220 pounds. I knew it was my thyroid, I've been on medication since age 12.

Here's my problem now: I keep switching from hypo to hyper since last december, and my doc. is unable to find the problem. Back in may we thought we found, but since I haven't really seen any improvement. I've started taking vitamins B6 and B12, since I heard they help giving more energy.

Has anyone else had that problem (or still have that problem)? Where you able to lose weight? I am not giving up on myself, I try to stay positive and think that even if I don't get fitter, at least I'll have good cardio!

Thanks for your input! (and sorry for any grammatical error, english is my second language)



  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    That's rough hon! I'm sorry. I really think that the best thing for this is to get referred to someone (by your doctor) who can monitor you as you lose weight and even help to find causes or which meds work or don't work. If it's going that crazy and you're unsure of any triggers (don't know about the condition so I don't even know if there are triggers). But I really think that talking to someone who specializes in these types of problems is going to be the best thing. Even if there's nothing to stop it (I know it doesn't go away), they might be able to find the right thing that helps to control it.
  • rjensema
    rjensema Posts: 1
    I know what you are talking about I have hashimoto's and so low thyroid, but not consistantly low. My thyroid meds help a lot sometimes and sometimes not. I take a slew of vitamins for a different condition including B12. With health issues, especially metabolism changing ones it can be a big struggle to lose weight. I've already lost 30 lbs and then put it all back on in 2 months because of my body going nuts.
    My doctor has a very "lets wait and see" attitude about the whole thing, which I understand, since its not too serious. Sometimes though I wish a doctor would hear out my weight concerns without seeming overly judgemental.
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    If you do not know there is a group for those of us with Thyroids that are crappy.

    It has tons of useful information and lots of us will understand! My thyroid goes from low to lower and then back to low frequently lately and it is frustrating.
  • 9thChakra
    9thChakra Posts: 141 Member
    I was diagnosed with a form of hyperthyroidism called Graves' Disease. It was recommended by the endocrinologist that I go on a medication for 1 1/2-2 years to try and "calm down" my thyroid. I did not want to do this and instead started researching.

    Long story short I came across several sources of information that helped me create my own healing plan which included some diet changes, some breathing/meditation/visualization exercise, Reiki, going to talk therapy and finding out more info about Chakras (which are in the same location as the endocrine glands). My hormones regulated and I never had to go on medication. It has been 6 years and I've not had any more problems.

    I really wanted to attempt healing from what I considered least invasive to most. I had to put aside some negative preconcieved notions about alternative methods and just try them. (I was very particular about who I saw for services and where I got info from).

    One source that helped me greatly was an author who has written several books on thyroid disorders: mary j. shomon - she has a few "Living Well With..." books. I only read the hyper one...sounds like you might want to look into both.

    Trust yourself and don't panic.


  • AndreeAnneB
    AndreeAnneB Posts: 20 Member
    If you do not know there is a group for those of us with Thyroids that are crappy.

    It has tons of useful information and lots of us will understand! My thyroid goes from low to lower and then back to low frequently lately and it is frustrating.

    Thanks for that reference!
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    I have a friend who is 25 and her thyroid switches from hypo to hyper. She seems to manage it okay, her dosage just gets changed a lot. Sometimes she'll seem curvier & other times skinner, but she's never been overweight or looked bad. I think a few years ago she said she hit 98lbs & was too thin, but that was years ago.
  • YamRector
    YamRector Posts: 74 Member
    I Have the Hashimoto disease too and I am going from severe Hypo to Hyper....I am in a closer treatment from an Endo doctor fighting to find the right dosage but...
    I am suffering from Hypo from ever ...and one part of my Thiroid was removed when I was 27...
    I can gain a lot of weight very fast, very very fast, but I can lose weight, even slowly now because I also have insulin resistance now :angry:
    You need to find the right proffesional, as the weight is NOT the only side effect of our disease :sad:
  • sexywifeishot
    I've been hypo for about 16 years now and was pretty steady until about 2 years ago. If you are in the perimenopausal age group like I am, it could be just a general hormonal menopause thing. If you're just working with a gp, see if you can go to an endocrinologist. Just my two cents worth. Good luck. And remember, we are more than just our bodies. The state of our soul is just as important if not more so. (that's my story and I'm sticking to it :)