New, goal to lose 50 pounds...

Hello All!

I am new to myfitnesspal, and am starting off the year with Whole30. Before anyone interjects, i know that this is not a weightloss plan; merly a 30 day "wake up" to see what foods react poorly to my body.

I am 5'5 and 199 pounds. After divorcing my husband, i went from 150, to 200 in two years. Once that scale basically screamed 200.. I knew i needed to get my life back.. i knew i needed to be healthy for me and my son.

If anyone has any healthy tips or advice, please share!!




  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Hi! Here is a great place to start:

    I know how devastating it can be when a ton of weight creeps up on you like that seemingly out of nowhere, especially when you're already going through a difficult time in your life.

    There is nothing inherently wrong with Whole 30, but keep in mind that it is a huge change to make if you are new to losing weight and are trying to change your life for the better.

    If you find that it is too difficult to stick to, don't give up because you "cheated" or because you feel like you failed. Losing weight is all about calories. As long as you are taking in less energy (calories) than your body uses, you will lose weight, no matter what your diet is made up of.

    Good luck, and I hope you lurk around the forums and don't be afraid to ask questions. There are so many helpful and knowledgeable people here.
  • mai424
    mai424 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey, I started Whole30 on the 2nd. So far so good. I don't have any advice/tips about it yet, but if you want a buddy to talk to regarding it, just add me.
  • Philtex
    Philtex Posts: 968 Member
    50 pounds? If you lose one pound per week you will reach your goal by the end of the year. You can do one pound at a time....right?