New Mom Looking For Support

Hi there! I'm 33 and just had my first baby November 3 (a little boy :-) )

I've done MFP before with great success (lost 45lbs for my wedding in 2012). I did a pretty good job keeping the weight off but let a bit creep back on before I got pregnant. I gained about 25lbs with my pregnancy and have about 15 to go to reach my pre baby weight. I just want my pre pregnancy pants to fit again lol. I'm also the MOH at my sisters wedding in the Caribbean this summer so I'd love to be in even better shape than I was before I was pregnant.

I'm a WAHM and I'm married to a great guy.

I wouldn't have succeeded with my last weight loss goal without the support I got on MFP. And I love cheering people on too.

Please feel free to add me so we can support each other!