137 to 110

itspronouncedbouquet Posts: 6 Member
edited January 2017 in Introduce Yourself
I have always been pretty small naturally and have weighed about 110-115; that's the weight I feel most comfortable at. Almost two years ago I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl who had genetic issues and passed away at two months old. After she died I became very depressed and drank a lot of alcohol and ate a loooot of pizza. I stopped drinking a while ago but never said goodbye to food. Now I'm ready to stop self medicating with food and alcohol and get back to where I used to be physically and mentally. I started out at 137.5 and am already down to 131.5. My goal is to get back down to 110. I have very bad knees so I don't plan to do much exercise but I am going to be eating 1200-1300 calories a day and once I get closer to my goal weight I'll start incorporating some Pilates and weight lifting and more walks. I just don't want to try to do everything at once and be overwhelmed and quit, so that's my plan. Looking for some friends to keep me accountable and who I can motivate too!


  • lucy_ac
    lucy_ac Posts: 13 Member
    Hi there! So sorry to hear of your struggles.

    I'm also quite small in stature, and over the past couple of years have seen my weight creep up to 132 which just doesn't look right on my small frame. My current goal weight is 112, so I have a similar journey to yours ahead. I've had a habit of yo-yoing in the past, and would lose a few pounds and let them all come back on again. Hopefully this time, with the support of the MFP community, I can finally achieve my goal weight.

    I wish you the best of luck for your journey :)
  • itspronouncedbouquet
    We can do it!