Looking for friends who really want to loose

I am looking for people who really want to loose and have more than 25 lbs to loose. I need to loose over 100 lbs and need lots of support. I am not looking for some who exercises themselves to death. I am a normal 52 year old woman struggling with weight loss after quitting smoking, emotional eating,and dealing with lots of stress. If you are looking for the same let me know.


  • Diabetic42
    Diabetic42 Posts: 14
    I am 56 and in the same place you are. I have been here a year and only lost 20 pounds. I am willing to support you in anyway I can. All you have to do is hold your hand out and I will walk on this journey with you.
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    Hi. I've been here for three months. I swim every day, well, except for while I've been traveling this last week. I'm losing weight by journaling my foods and swimming gives me an AWESOME amount of calories to keep me fed and happy. I rarely feel deprived.

    Best of all, I went from a doggie paddler to a face-in-the-water swimmer going an hour at a crack.

    Good luck! You can send a friend request, if you'd like. I'm supportive, but I like people who give support as well. I can't deal with those who won't try and I ditch those who discuss food porn on the news feed (such as talking about major junk pods - it makes me crave!).