Gluten free by choice!



  • EricJonrosh
    EricJonrosh Posts: 823 Member
    Funny thing is once I figured out all the things I could eat, I was able to go back to being "fat" again. Even without flour/pasta/bread you can find calories. I feel tons better, but my downfall is rice dishes, ice cream, chocolate, coffee drinks, etc. Now that I'm counting cals I almost completely avoid these. Rice has tons of calories per cup.
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    @scubanana7 I stopped reading after #3 because I could tell it was all vitriol. Sorry if you got reasonable at some point after that. But in response to what I did read: I've never met anyone who considers ethics a fad, and gluten-free is a fad diet in that there are people (lots of people) convinced wheat (slash grains in general) are bad for everyone and they're making us all fat and unhealthy and that's annoying and why a lot of people side-eye people who are obsessed with gluten-free when they don't have an allergy/intolerance; I didn't compare gluten-free to cigarettes or booze, I said those were examples of why "trusting your body" isn't always better than trusting science. Your body has needs and they're not always in your best interest; I didn't make assumptions about what you were eating (mostly because I was talking to the OP, and not you) I provided an alternative explanation to why a new dietary restriction could make you feel better. Basically the second paragraph of my post was food for thought.

    tl;dr it's unscientific to pinpoint a broad cause (eliminating foods that are made of more than just gluten; even if they're ~whole foods~) to a specific effect. And you read way to much into what I said. Sorry if it seemed like an attack (it wasn't? I reread through my response and can't figure out where it would have seemed that way.), I can't figure out why you felt the tone of your response was necessary.

    Honey I am so sorry and I wish you had read further. I tried to give a detailed explanation of what I ate, what I tried, and why I made the decision I made. I even gave you kudos for your choices.

    I am sure you are right in your eating lifestyle. I will never again eat a poor murdered little animal and adopt the ONLY way that is ethical and smart. I will eat wheat straight off the stalk. I have been such a fool. I will catch the fly or the spider or the scorpion that finds its way inside my home and with great ceremony and homage to Mother Earth....I will lovingly take it outside and set it free.

    Then I will smoke a joint and eat tofu. I am ever humble and thankful that I found you--the 21-year-old that knew how to correct my erroneous ways. Thank you so much for setting me straight.
  • PepperWorm
    PepperWorm Posts: 1,206
    I have IBS.

    It ain't the gluten.
  • nicster101
    Hey there. I just started reducing my gluten intake in hopes of eliminating it. I have hashimoto's disease, and there is a suspected link to gluten intolerance.

    I have found that the breads really need to be toasted in order to be edible. I tried the tapioca loaf by EnerG ( i think), and it was gag material. The brown rice loaf, however, was ok toasted. Muellers makes gluten free spaghetti and it was pretty good. The glutino wafers are excellent. And Bob's red mill pizza dough mix was good too.

    Good Luck. And ignore all the jerks on here.
  • jdhobson
    jdhobson Posts: 42 Member
    GF for 1.5 years, allergic reactions, no choice.

    If you can find Canyon Bakehouse breads, they are pure uncut CRACK! Best hamburger buns, not too pricey, way better than Udi's.


    Lol, I hope that is their slogan.

    I will look for this bread and see if I can track some down. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • jdhobson
    jdhobson Posts: 42 Member
    I wasn't trying to get people to argue by starting this topic but it seems that I am too late for that.

    We are all here for our own individual goals, but everyone here some something in common. We are all trying to better ourselves. The one thing that I do not do well with are people who "choose' (good word choice, since this word has stirred up so much thus far) to be negative. In my original message, I did not ask for anyone to help me decide if I should cut gluten out of my diet. That decision has already been made. My question was for people who follow the diet - how they have adapted and what worked best for them.

    I am not one to brag, but over the past 14 months.. I have absolutely busted my butt to get healthy. I believe that I understand how this whole process works. I know what hurts me and what does not hurt me. I know what I can do to lose weight, what i can do to maintain my weight, and what I can do to gain the weight back. I feel like I have total control over my situation.

    I have an appointment next week at the gastroenterologist. The last time I went to this doctor, I was 320 pounds. I will walk in there next week under 220 pounds. I know that he is going to ask me tons of questions about the past year. I plan to bring my experiences with this subject up to him.

    I just wanted to say that we are all here for a similar reason. We have at one time needed help and we have come to this website looking for that. Whether it be a person on the forum or an organized way to log food - you signed up for this website because you needed to make some adjustments in your life. Since we all have that in common, why can't we respect that everyone's situation is different. Everyone has their beliefs and their reasons for the decisions that they make. Whether it is following a vegan lifestyle or a paleo lifestyle, it doesn't matter. When I hear someone say they follow a vegan lifestyle, I am extremely happy for them. I am happy because I know they are conscious of the things they eat and how they treat their own body. I don't follow it, but I respect it. I have a huge respect for people who are willing to try and resolve issues in their lives by doing something independently. I had a ton of problems a year ago and as I sat in the doctor's office and he gave me the speech on the possibility of Colon Cancer, it hit me that I was no longer able to get my mom and dad to bail me out of this situation. I had done this to myself and only I could get myself out of it. For this past year, I've been bailing myself out of it.. and I will continue everyday, even after I have established the perfect diet for my situation.

    I know the forums would be boring if everyone got along all the time, but this topic was truly meant to just hear about people's experiences following a gluten free diet. Thanks to all that have responded, I never imagined the topic getting so much feedback. It is a lot to think about.
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    Dear OP:

    That is a wonderful loss and kudos for you for taking charge of your health. You have done a great job and I know you doc is going to be very pleased. Keep up the good work. I hope dropping gluten gives you the good results you hope for.

    There are tons of good recipes both here and other places online. OOPSIE bread is delicious and it really easy to make even if you aren't a 'baker' as I sure am not! lol There is even a utube of how to make it. There are so many delicious baked goods -- pancakes, muffins, breads that really help me feel like I am not dieting or deprived by giving up grains.

    Good luck in your endeavor and if you friend me, I promise not to be argumentative or mean! lolol. I have never gone back and forth with a poster on a thread before, but something just struck me the wrong way this time. I apologize to you for sidetracking your questions. I guess I just got tired of being blasted by people who don't understand that we have to make choices for our own bodies and we who have closen GF are not stupid or following a fad. If we truly did not get good results, then none of us would make this extra effort.

    Please keep us posted on your doctor's appointment and your continued success. Again, I would be happy to be my normal, supportive self along your journey.
  • JustAnotherGirlSuzanne
    JustAnotherGirlSuzanne Posts: 932 Member
    Udi's is the best. Hands down! Sometimes Glutino has some good things like cookies and such every now and again.

    PS, Glutino gluten free pretzels taste better than the "real" thing. Delicious!