Looking for friends

Hi, I'm new here but eager to actually get somewhere with my weightloss. My weight has been a struggle majority of my adult life and really hit an all time high when returning to my full time job after the birth of my 2nd child. Being in a new marriage with custody of my 16 y/o, soon be 2 y/o,and husbands 17y/o and 13 y/o I'm finding it hard to focus on myself and my weightloss journey. At this point I don't even know where to start...with teenagers in the house there is temptation everywhere!!! Not to mention I'm a junk food junkie! I love chips and energy drinks!! I'm turning to this app to find friends that suffer from the same struggles and for motivation and at times to vent frustration! I want to be a success story and would encourage others to be the same!! At the age of 36... failure is no longer an option! I don't want to be 227lbs the rest of my life!


  • tjsterch
    tjsterch Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Jamie, I've been on this site for a bit. I find that it keeps me on track & I enjoy seeing my friends success. It also helps knowing I am not alone on this journey for better health.

    Temptation: I know that one all too well! My 21 year old daughter lives with me and she is pregnant. This has been the hardest part of my weight loss progress as all she wants is junk food. What has helped me: I've asked her to hide it in her room (I've always had a no food in your room policy, but this type of food in the kitchen was just too hard on me) or eat it out of the house so I don't have to see it. And it has helped A LOT :p

    I see you love chips, Walmart sells Quest protein chips. They have 4 different flavors (personally I like the BBQ the best) they taste alright & they take away my desire for regular chips plus I am getting in 21 to 22 grams of protein. It might help you to start tracking what you eat, then you can find ways to change your diet for what works for you or ask your doctor to refer you to a nutritionist who can give guidelines on a healthy diet & workout program.

    Sending you a friend request, the more friends the better (we are all in this together <3 )
  • keylimepiedream
    keylimepiedream Posts: 5 Member
    Sending you a request. I find it helpful to check out diaries of other users. Mine is no where near perfect, but you can get ideas. I love salt more than sweet. I love chips too! I moved to crackers and now popcorn. How about coffee and flavored cream to replace your energy drinks? Much luv
  • TexasHunnybear
    TexasHunnybear Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you both so much. I ended up re-doing my account after reading a lot of lecturing posts of people using their actual names as their username. I appreciate any help I can get! I'll send you both a friend request shortly.
  • Dental1972
    Dental1972 Posts: 5 Member
    I can relate to you all. I also have grown kids that don't care that mom is trying to resist that awesome junk food!!! Lol I'm a week into this & so far loving this app. Add me for sure. The more the merrier I say. It really helps to encourage each other.
  • jhen1980
    jhen1980 Posts: 5 Member
    Wow Jaime I totally feel ya. I am going to be 37 this year and the years keep passing with me having the same goal to loose the weight. I have a 16 yr 9yr and 3 yr old and a hubby who eats , drinks whatever he likes and maintains a great shape. He also does care about the 40lbs I have gained since we have been together. I vow that I cannot turn 37 and have this self loathing or the same goal. I truly believe its more than food, diet and exercise. Its self love , self worth and being a Mother , Wife we are always loving them first and then our love tank is empty.

    I am choosing me this year. It will have a ripple affect after I am happy with myself it with ripple out to my loved ones.

    Welcome 2017 . Looking for all the support I can get