Looking for buddies that are using meal replacement

Hi all
I'm using meal replacement as my primary approach because my work and travel mean I end up making bad choices.
This way it takes away the burden of choice and means I can focus on my mindset for a while.

I know it's not for everyone but would love some buddies who're using similar.
I have a long way to go and know I won't be doing this forever but I need to get so far down so I can increase my exercise level

Thanks all


  • gfjazz
    gfjazz Posts: 285 Member
    I started lean cuisine meals today
    Was on Jenny Craig off and on lost but gained when my budget could not afford them
    So trying this 1 frozen daily then vegies,salads and some fruit
    Side lined by an injury so exercise is limited
  • tara1992td
    tara1992td Posts: 6 Member
    I use meal replacement shakes and I'd love friends with similar diets!
  • melaniec140
    melaniec140 Posts: 9 Member
    HMR...at my doctor's suggestion.
  • Mandimac81
    Mandimac81 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi there two slim fast and one regular meal and down 10 since Jan 1.
  • Jaims24178
    Jaims24178 Posts: 1 Member
    Isagenix here too, just started yesterday. I agree with Duncan, it might be pricey, but it's worth it for the convenience. It's what I would have spent on regular food anyway and it's saving me time that I would have spent cooking or more money that I would have spent on takeout.
  • Canehdn
    Canehdn Posts: 122 Member
    I make my own shakes and have them twice a day. Mine consist of two scoops of protein, 1/4 cup ground oats, and 2 TBSP of flax.

    I do this to stay consistent. If I don't have it planned or I go out, I make bad choices.

    I do have a snack between each meal. I usually do a protein bar and yogurt.

    My dinners are more lean proteins, veggies, and some more carby food like wheat bread or sweet potatoes.
  • AriaLace
    AriaLace Posts: 59 Member
    I use shakes. So happy to find other people so too. I started using celebrity slim on Tuesday and wanted to post asking if anyone else used shakes but was too afraid because I always see the backlash from people dissing them!

    I have a shake for breakfast, an apple for snack, shake for lunch and then a dinner. Dinner has to be no carbs and around 500 calories.

    Loving them so far. I've 5 different flavours so don't get bored and it takes the difficulty out of choosing foods. I used to eat breakfast and lunch in work and would usually have some version of a fry and then a huge wrap of a dinner for lunch. Now I have my shakes and I don't even miss the food, I was just eating it because it was there. For dinner it's meat and veg now, no carbs.

    I'd love for some people who are also using shakes to add me, it be great to get support from people following similar plans
  • highlightshadow
    highlightshadow Posts: 116 Member
    One thing i'm doing to mix it up.... i bought some natural flavours ... they're super concentrated but natural (don't like artificial flavourings)

    I got coconut, banana, strawberry, caramel, almond and mint.... when i feel like a change i add a couple drops (thats all it takes) to a shake to either boost the flavour or to change it....

    I have chocolate, banana and strawberry shake mixes .... but adding coconut/caramel or mint to the chocolate, or coconut to the banana just changes the profile

    I also use unsweetened nut milks (mainly almond) as i find the sweetners in the shakes (to keep carbs/sugar low) are VERY sweet... also adding matcha tea powder adds a nice earthy flavour and again takes the sweetness down a touch

    For me ... 3 weeks in ... very happy ... am eating regularly about 500 cals under my allowance... today was exceptional at nearly 1000 under (didn't plan it)
  • Tanklan
    Tanklan Posts: 17 Member
    Just started Isagenix yesterday! Looking forward to seeing how I feel on it and getting rid of some weight. Nice to see others that are doing the same. And also all the ideas for shakes!
  • danhinoavi
    danhinoavi Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I had done 1 month of shakes, but the holidays and and business trips threw me off my tracks (and I didn't make the extra effort to stick with the program). I'm back now! I'm starting with a 2 day cleanse. This is my day two and I'm feeling great! Hungry, but great.
    MATTHEWRCUMMINS Posts: 9 Member
    edited February 2017
    I find this to be an interesting thread with a lot of different people with a lot of different backgrounds. I was able to score some samples of the Isagenix shakes and some of their other products and I was curious how the other Isagenix users are feeling about their experience with the product. I have considered making the jump but almost $400 up front makes me want to hear from actual users first. I am only looking to loose about 20 lbs and I don't want to be starving all day. Do you guys think it's worth it? Thank you in advance for any advice or comment it is greatly appreciated. I hope you all are doing well.
  • Fitgirllife72
    Fitgirllife72 Posts: 500 Member
    edited February 2017
    I find this to be an interesting thread with a lot of different people with a lot of different backgrounds. I was able to score some samples of the Isagenix shakes and some of their other products and I was curious how the other Isagenix users are feeling about their experience with the product. I have considered making the jump but almost $400 up front makes me want to hear from actual users first. I am only looking to loose about 20 lbs and I don't want to be starving all day. Do you guys think it's worth it? Thank you in advance for any advice or comment it is greatly appreciated. I hope you all are doing well.

    No it is not worth it at all! Please don't waste your money on this MLM scam. I did and I so wish I had my money back. I finally lost my weight by simply logging and tracking my calories on MFP. Isagenix did absolutely nothing for me except make me feel like a complete fool for wasting my money and funding all the people above me on their stupid pyramid scheme.

    And btw yes I was starving on their dumb shakes all the time and lost no permanent weight. Once I scrapped them and moved to simply logging calories I lost 40 lbs, reached goal and have stayed within my maintenance range.

  • plow54
    plow54 Posts: 34 Member
    Slim fast shakes work?
    MATTHEWRCUMMINS Posts: 9 Member
    @Fitgirllife72 I was just thinking about getting the shakes for convenient meals but I am probably going to pass on all the other up-sale stuff they have...... good plan or still not worth it? Thank you again for your response and opinion.
  • highlightshadow
    highlightshadow Posts: 116 Member
    I don't use slimfast.... i find their products don't fill me up and are high carb and only low/medium protein so weren't satisfying.

    However, i wish people wouldn't judge everyone's circumstances and just poo-poo them out of hand.
    For some people, myself included, it's provided a lifeline until i can get something else sorted

    I don't intend them to be a forever solution but this year, until i can get approved for surgery to get things sorted and then i'll be able to very slowly transition and re-learn to enjoy food.... i have been unable to eat properly for 10 years and its caused depression, anxiety .... therefore meal replacement has taken away that burden of choice and thought .... for me its my last hope without getting into massive dept to have the surgery privately which i can't afford.

    Its a stop-gap solution.... but so far... losing 2-3lbs a week and feeling better

    So yeah ... i get that i'm not learning 'food' but for some of us that's not a choice anyway right now
  • Tanklan
    Tanklan Posts: 17 Member
    My sister asked me what my top three reasons were for starting Isagenix. Here they are: High quality ingredients, cleanse days (fasting), and a structured plan. These are my top three reasons, but each individual has there own, and will have an individual experience. I've been only taking the products a short time, but I'm happy with them. It's been less than a month and I've lost 13.75" overall. I'm not hungry.
  • EastSideJohnny
    EastSideJohnny Posts: 18 Member
    Ben using Isagenix for a week after a year on MFP and losing 100lbs. More so just to try it out for a month and help a buddy out who's selling it. For $300 I'm fortunate to be in a position to give it a whirl. Lost a few pounds but mostly feeling more energy and some clarity I've not had for about a year, lol. Tastes ok, not terribly hungry and sleeping through the night....which is a first in many years.
    No miracle product (none are), but if you keep exercising consistently, follow the plan and don't cheat--it seems to deliver on what they promote. I'm never going to sell the product so they're not harping on me to do so, but other people I know who sell it seem to be happy and that's good for them.
  • haydiz70
    haydiz70 Posts: 56 Member
    I usually use a meal replacement shake for breakfast. Other days I'll have a couple eggs. I use the Walmart brand (Equate) that is similar to Slimfast, and I think it tastes better. It's also a lot cheaper! Works for me. For lunch I try to eat veggies/fruits and lean protein, around 250-350 calories and for dinner I just watch my portions, around 600-750 calories. I have room for a couple snacks too. I also workout most evenings and burn 200-300 calories so I don't have to restrict myself so dang much. I'm 5'1" so I dont have many calories to work with. If my breakfast has too many calories then it's going to be very hard to have decent meals throughout the rest of the day.