I guess I do have 100 lbs to lose

How did this happen? I guess I do have 100 lbs to lose now. I'm back again after gaining another 35lbs, reaching my highest weight 261.8. Wow, that's even hard to say/type. I've gained the weight so quickly it seems. I'm growing out of my 3x clothes.. I have to shop at "those" stores now. I guess I was in denial, drinking too much, eating too
much..Not paying attention, not weighing myself.

No more!!

After my first week, I've lost 5 lbs. I know it's probably water weight, but it feels good seeing a loss on the scale. I've quit drinking, and I now count calories religiously on mfp.

I hope to gain some support through my journey. If you have any advice, please share, and add me if you want to share this journey together.

Good luck to you all!!!


  • carmy7850
    carmy7850 Posts: 24 Member
    Good Luck to you also! Fell off the wagon so many times I now also have 100 to lose. Its a struggle we can help each other conquer.My first week weigh day is tomorrow,yikes! Add me if you wish.
  • secrets424
    secrets424 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for the recommendations!! :smile:

    We can do it!! One day at a time.
  • magen830
    magen830 Posts: 33 Member
    I too have 100lbs to lose. I fell of the wagon after having my baby. All in all we can do this as long as we have each other for support and motivation. Good luck to everyone!
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    It's awesome that you are here, trying again. I too quit drinking this time around. Honestly I feel more energized without it and definitely don't have as many food cravings as I did before. Good luck!
  • PerbyP
    PerbyP Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck! I started at 302 pounds down to 296.... Still need to shake 142 pounds....
  • RefocusedPowerhouse
    I'm definitely focused on losing at least the 100 pounds....but I'm just starting with Fitness Pal...and my decision to get it done! It's time ---2017 is my year to completely Refocus and do it right! Let's hang in there---keep it moving and resolve to be better, stronger, and faster than ever before!
  • NanP135
    NanP135 Posts: 219 Member
    One day at a time and don't beat yourself up if you slip, it happens to all of us. I have another 48 to go to ultimate goal but taking it 10 pounds at a time. You can do it
  • jvcjim
    jvcjim Posts: 812 Member
    be honest with yourself. Log everything you eat and drink, weigh everything, solids and liquids gram weights are more accurate than cup and ml sizes. triple check every entry you get from the database, many of them are just plain wrong. It will take time. spend some extra time walking each day.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I look at a weekly average and focus on fixing my relationship with food and how I see it in my life. Also I am refocusing on exercise to fit better in my schedule. You don't have to lose 20lbs a month, just focus on your daily choices but don't make losing weight all consuming. Focus on your choice, write it down, eat, then move on.
  • rachelr1116
    rachelr1116 Posts: 334 Member
    The best advice I have is to be patient. I've tried to lose weight before and always ended up quitting and regaining all of the weight I'd lost because I thought it was taking too long to lose the weight. If I'd just stuck with it and been patient the first time I wouldn't be trying to lose weight now. I've lost about 46 of the 80 lbs I want to lose and it's taken me since April of 2015 to do that. I did end up taking two "I just can't handle logging every little thing" breaks during that time and gained some weight back both times I stopped logging. That has helped me realize that it's just going to be a slower process than I'd like and I'm just going to have to keep logging unless I want to start all over again.