Anyone want to buddy up to lose 100 llbs. From UK

bluebell67 Posts: 11 Member
edited January 2017 in Getting Started
8.01.2017 Hi I need to lose about 100 pounds. Hopefully if I say this fast enough it won't sound so bad but the truth is it is what it is and I have to deal with my situation. I know I'm going to have to make this journey a lifestyle change. It's quite daunting so I'd love to have some support and give any that I possibly can. It's my 50th in July and although I don't feel or I'm told look my age the big 5 0 is coming and I'd like to be a bit slimmer and healthier by then. I'd love to surprise my son in a few months when I see him as I know he worries about my weight and health. Anyone want to join me so that we can help each other on our journey. :blush: Here's to a positive year ahead.