


  • amy4selflove
    amy4selflove Posts: 19 Member
    I would agree that you may want to try vegan protein powder. I am not vegan, but I use only vegetable protein powder and I also take a probiotic daily. Some days I take 2. I have noticed a difference in the bloat.
  • chelseymorris185
    chelseymorris185 Posts: 23 Member
    edited February 2017
    So guys... turns out it's Gluten
    They wanna do a couple more tests because my Celiac was negative.
    But I've cut Gluten out of my diet and bloating has gone WAY down.
    Still a tad bloated since I haven't been using the restroom like normal.
    Feeling so much better!
  • EllaLeahB
    EllaLeahB Posts: 310 Member
    I was just going to suggest gluten, I was diagnosed with celiac 5 years careful cause gluten is in a lot of things! Make sure you do your research..:)
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    How have you found out about the gluten? Are you sure it's not just reduction in water because you're eating fewer carbs?

    If you ARE intolerant to gluten then it's good you found it out, but most people aren't, and self-diagnosing is not a good idea.

    When you say "bloating" is it actually causing you discomfort? In which case medical advice is best. But if it's just that you're stomach is less than perfectly flat, but you otherwise feel fine, it is not really a problem, it's just your body doing its thing.
  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    edited February 2017
    Also can all you girls with very tiny stomach bulges stop comparing it to being 6mo pregnant, that is ridiculous.

    If you really believe you look pregnant because your belly is not perfectly flat, then you are suffering from body dysmorphia and need to work on adjusting your perceptions, not egging each other on with hyperbole. It is not healthy.

    Remember there are kids and teenagers reading this (whether they are allowed to or not).
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    edited February 2017
    Cahgetsfit wrote: »
    I get that pregnant bloat thing like in your picture too. 100% food related tho. Like if I even look at broccoli. Poo - coz I LIKE broccoli...

    the other day I got it and was trying to work out what it was - sometimes it's a combination of stuff I eat, sometimes it's inflammation if I have too much dairy too frequently (even if goat milk based yoghurt/cheese - can't eat it every day). maybe try to see what it is you ate before the bloat came on.

    And probiotics are good yes.

    Oh - whey protein = not only bloat but putrid fart tank generator, so I use vegan protein powder.

    Broccoli (and lots of other fibrous green vegies) do this to me too. If I eat too much, or eat it raw, I end up with a rock hard, sore, pregnant belly and cramps. I eat a little broccoli and it's ok, but I definitely know if I overdo it.

    Sugar alcohols, same deal.

    I'd also suggest looking in to fodmaps - you may be able to find a trigger on your own, but if not, seeing a dietician to do a proper elimination diet (not the whole 30) might be a good idea.

    Eta. OP - just seen your gluten update. I'd definitely recommend finding someone to work on eliminating fodmaps with you before you dismiss gluten.
  • chelseymorris185
    chelseymorris185 Posts: 23 Member
    I don't know how to do the thing where I quote what you said and what not.
    I am by no means eating fewer carbs, I track daily and none of that has changed. It was my Doctors idea that I cut Gluten even though my blood test was negative. That happens very often. The best way to 100% diagnose is to look at my intestines via endoscopy and colonoscopy.
    As for the bloating, it is very VERY uncomfortable. I feel like if you poked me I'd pop and I get horrible abdominal pains as well. And for the pregnancy thing, I'd compare it to that because this is literally what i looked like when I was 6 min this pregnant lol. I've even taken pregnancy tests because I thought maybe that could be it
  • chelseymorris185
    chelseymorris185 Posts: 23 Member
    How have you found out about the gluten? Are you sure it's not just reduction in water because you're eating fewer carbs?

    If you ARE intolerant to gluten then it's good you found it out, but most people aren't, and self-diagnosing is not a good idea.

    When you say "bloating" is it actually causing you discomfort? In which case medical advice is best. But if it's just that you're stomach is less than perfectly flat, but you otherwise feel fine, it is not really a problem, it's just your body doing its thing.
    How have you found out about the gluten? Are you sure it's not just reduction in water because you're eating fewer carbs?

    If you ARE intolerant to gluten then it's good you found it out, but most people aren't, and self-diagnosing is not a good idea.

    When you say "bloating" is it actually causing you discomfort? In which case medical advice is best. But if it's just that you're stomach is less than perfectly flat, but you otherwise feel fine, it is not really a problem, it's just your body doing its thing.
    How have you found out about the gluten? Are you sure it's not just reduction in water because you're eating fewer carbs?

    If you ARE intolerant to gluten then it's good you found it out, but most people aren't, and self-diagnosing is not a good idea.

    When you say "bloating" is it actually causing you discomfort? In which case medical advice is best. But if it's just that you're stomach is less than perfectly flat, but you otherwise feel fine, it is not really a problem, it's just your body doing its thing.

    Nevermind I found out how^^