Finally Thinking About Me

Hello, my name is Ginny. I am 32, 5'3" and starting weight was 237, currently 222. I am starting this year off as someone who thinks of others and puts everyone first before i begin to think about myself. I have terrible anxiety and my goals for this year is to lose the physical and emotional weight of my life. Physically, i will lose a certain amount of weight. I would like to see myself below 200 before the start of late Spring/Summer. Emotional weight pertains to my anxiety and personal struggles in life. I want to focus on me this year. My mantra for this year so far, has been, "Tranquil 2017". Let's get this going! Does anyone else deal with weight, anxiety and high blood pressure issues, as i do?


  • duffyj64
    duffyj64 Posts: 5 Member
    Good for you and good luck
  • htesfas1
    htesfas1 Posts: 1 Member
    Congrats on making you first! If you can learn to love every inch of you, the good and bad they may help you with your anxiety.
  • sherri80squeen
    sherri80squeen Posts: 8 Member
    Excellent goals in putting yourself first! That's mine as well for 2017. I'm certain that consistent exercise and healthy eating will be key in improving everyone's mental and emotional health along their weight loss journey. The fact that we all started here is a positive, first step! Keep moving forward :)