Looking for Keto/Low Carb Friends!



  • AngiesCookie
    AngiesCookie Posts: 74 Member
    Starting back with this WOE again.. had lost about 20 lbs last spring/summer, but then fell off. Now it's time to loose that sneaky weight again!
  • AngiesCookie
    AngiesCookie Posts: 74 Member
    Hi everyone, day 1 of the keto diet for me and enjoying it so far. All advice and guidance from others who've been down this road would be very welcome. Feel free to add me :)
    Best wishes

    Don't get discouraged if you experience the "Keto Flu". Usually as few days in you start feeling really lethargic, blaaaaaa... it will pass! Hang in there, you will feel so much better once you break through that. It's just your body reacting to not having carbs and sugars anymore so it hasn't yet reconfigured it's fuel source from easily-available sugars, to your stored fat.

  • paulmatthewhirst
    paulmatthewhirst Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone, day 1 of the keto diet for me and enjoying it so far. All advice and guidance from others who've been down this road would be very welcome. Feel free to add me :)
    Best wishes

    Don't get discouraged if you experience the "Keto Flu". Usually as few days in you start feeling really lethargic, blaaaaaa... it will pass! Hang in there, you will feel so much better once you break through that. It's just your body reacting to not having carbs and sugars anymore so it hasn't yet reconfigured it's fuel source from easily-available sugars, to your stored fat.

    Thank you Angie, I'll try not to let it stop me if do come down with the "keto flu", hope yours wasn't too bad. I've heard that chicken broth is supposed to help with that, is that something I should stock up on beforehand?
  • marm1962
    marm1962 Posts: 950 Member
    Hi everyone, day 1 of the keto diet for me and enjoying it so far. All advice and guidance from others who've been down this road would be very welcome. Feel free to add me :)
    Best wishes

    Don't get discouraged if you experience the "Keto Flu". Usually as few days in you start feeling really lethargic, blaaaaaa... it will pass! Hang in there, you will feel so much better once you break through that. It's just your body reacting to not having carbs and sugars anymore so it hasn't yet reconfigured it's fuel source from easily-available sugars, to your stored fat.

    Thank you Angie, I'll try not to let it stop me if do come down with the "keto flu", hope yours wasn't too bad. I've heard that chicken broth is supposed to help with that, is that something I should stock up on beforehand?

    get morton lite salt as it's half sodium and half potassium, also a magnesium suppliment, these are your electrolytes and help combat "keto flu", which not everyone gets.
  • amyamyb522
    amyamyb522 Posts: 1 Member
    Me too! Keto since 12/3 and loving it!
  • KingLarry99
    KingLarry99 Posts: 423 Member
    Howdy! I am back on track starting today and doing it low carb. I have lost a lot of weight going low carb and I am ready to get at it again. Add me if you'd like and we can motivate and help each other...
  • jwilson80121
    jwilson80121 Posts: 72 Member
    Any friends would be appreciated! 3 weeks in and not sure if im doing it right
  • jodmyster8
    jodmyster8 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm new to this whole program. Learning this new keto. New to actually using myFitnessPal also! Ha I'd like to add friends but have no idea how. :)
  • bjlinz67
    bjlinz67 Posts: 3 Member
    I started on the Keto diet on 1/14/17. The first 3 days have gone well. Only minor carb withdrawal effects, slight headache and body aches -- not enough of an issue to make me quit. I have been enjoying this way of eating, and I already lost 2 pounds, so I am feeling hopeful. I'm sure I will face more challenging times, though, so I came to this forum to seek support.
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    jodmyster8 wrote: »
    Hi, I'm new to this whole program. Learning this new keto. New to actually using myFitnessPal also! Ha I'd like to add friends but have no idea how. :)

    Welcome to Mfp....click on the person's avatar/picture...click again and it will take you to the person's profile where you can add ...
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Hi everyone, day 1 of the keto diet for me and enjoying it so far. All advice and guidance from others who've been down this road would be very welcome. Feel free to add me :)
    Best wishes

    Don't get discouraged if you experience the "Keto Flu". Usually as few days in you start feeling really lethargic, blaaaaaa... it will pass! Hang in there, you will feel so much better once you break through that. It's just your body reacting to not having carbs and sugars anymore so it hasn't yet reconfigured it's fuel source from easily-available sugars, to your stored fat.

    Thank you Angie, I'll try not to let it stop me if do come down with the "keto flu", hope yours wasn't too bad. I've heard that chicken broth is supposed to help with that, is that something I should stock up on beforehand?

    Yes! If you increase sodium you can avoid the whole "keto flu" thing. It's just an electrolyte imbalance.
  • MtnClimber45
    MtnClimber45 Posts: 20 Member
    edited January 2017
    Hello everyone. Going on day 10 of keto and so far, it's been good. Not only do I want to lose weight, but I love the idea of trying to run a marathon without relying on energy gels along the way....just burn plenty of fat for the run. We'll see in May.

    I'm looking for friends aso so please add me
  • aysunc
    aysunc Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all,
    New to keto diet, i didnt even planned it. The more i read, the more i was convinced, so here i am after a week. The first 3 days were very hard, since i am a carb lover, but now i feel great. Lost about 4lbs (SW:168lbs).
    I love that i dont have to snack alll the time
  • timtimtim3141
    timtimtim3141 Posts: 1 Member
    Going on keto for 3+ years... Glad to have found a community here for mutual support and knowledge. For those just getting into it, remember to embrace the fat (Sat and Mono) and cut total carbs (forget the net carbs)!
  • bluebeltwo
    bluebeltwo Posts: 12 Member
    Timtimtim I don't believe in net carbs either. Carbs are carbs with or without fiber.
  • StarshipFighter23
    StarshipFighter23 Posts: 73 Member
    Still getting the hang of some of the functions of the app as I'm a newbie to the forum so I'm not sure how the adding friends thing works, but I'm a highly motivated keto enthusiast who is hoping that this time I can make it stick long term! I'm 2 weeks into my latest plan, my goals and strategy are set and attainable, but motivation can be a big factor for me too... Feel free to add me and as soon as I've worked out how I'll do the same back! It's always easy at this time of year to find lots of people who have resolved to diet, or join a gym or whatever but in a couple of weeks they're usually back on the donuts. I'm guessing that anyone motivated to use the app and this community feels the same way I do - make significant lifestyle changes in order to live a healthier, longer life. It's what I'm hoping to achieve and it's always easier to make these significant changes when it feels like someone has got your back!
  • shriramsinbox
    shriramsinbox Posts: 2 Member
    Add me .

    A veggie Keto person .

    Keto + Intermittent Fasting + RPT .
  • Henrys7thWife
    Henrys7thWife Posts: 2 Member
    I'm back on a low carb today! Probably not the best idea as I'm not well :(
    Add me please, I need serious help haha!
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    come join us in the LCHF group - real friendly and lots of great information being shared about this WOE!


    Questions? Problems? Want friends?

    This ^^^^^


    Again, this ^^^^^
  • Moceri77
    Moceri77 Posts: 4 Member
    So I am finding that being whole food-keto is way easier than being low carb.
    My macros are 110p/70f/20c . My cals are usually around 1,200.
    I've tried other keto calculators and programs, but I found these on ketogentic dieters on Facebook and it has helped me so much.
    When I had more carb options I was manipulating the program to get in "keto desserts" and other stuff that wasn't conducive to having an over eating problem.
    I do feel I had to wean myself to get to 1,200 calorie point- It took 2 1/2 months to be convinced that I had to bring them to this point. I am actually very happy though. Sugar is stable, food is simple and good.