Rookie to the fitness life and looking to lose 100lbs.

Hey everyone my names kevin and im 302lbs and looking to lose about 100lbs. So far ive lost 14 pounds in little over a month and seeing a big difference in my energy. Im still learning on what foods are best for me to shred pounds, so anyone with tips are welcome.


  • abrenna2013
    abrenna2013 Posts: 1 Member
    Awesome! I'm looking to lose about the same amount and have lost about 30 so far. I think logging what you eat is a great start! You start to realize how it adds up and also what you "waste" your calories on. I also bought a small kitchen scale so I could more accurately measure my serving sizes. For me, carbs are a gateway drug! I started using a veggie spiralizer to make "pasta" from zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, etc. Also used cauliflower to replace rice, potatoes...I don't even miss carbs that much! I also started buying more pre-prepared veggies and proteins. I have a really strenuous work schedule so I just had to admit that if it took too much prep time, I would be more likely to eat out or order in. Hope these tips help you like they are helping me!
  • runawaycowgirl
    runawaycowgirl Posts: 24 Member
    Wow good job to both of you on your weight loss all ready and great tips abrenna2013, I've started switching a few food around myself. Feel free to add :)
  • PBWaffleCakes
    PBWaffleCakes Posts: 900 Member
    Hello! Congrats on losing 14 pounds already! I have lost 130 pounds, with about 20 more to go. The food scale is a must, also measuring is really important. I would work on balancing foods and personally I stopped taking food groups away because it lead me to binge eating and thinking about the foods I can't have. I love Skinny Taste when wanting to try something new but usually I try to "trick" with myself, like today I wanted peanut butter captain crunch cereal but to get to the cereal I had to move about 3 boxes of oatmeal, which lead to me choosing a yummy blueberry oatmeal instead and I ended up added 1/2 cup of fresh blueberries. (I live with other people so I try to make tempting food really hard for to access) The food pyramid (updated version) is also a great tool. It reminds you that you can have that steak or even that slice of pizza just make some veggies next to it!
  • plamb1991
    plamb1991 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey add me, I've been working out for a while and have plenty of tips and tricks to help you keep going. Plus seeing yall work so hard helps motivate me to keep going!
  • ramoskevin
    ramoskevin Posts: 8 Member
    Sorry on the late replys i thought i would get a notification when someone comments lol but i will add all of you
  • evelynr14
    evelynr14 Posts: 172 Member
    Hey Kevin!!! I am restarting my journey on here too. Add me if you need some motivation!:)
  • timjmartin23
    timjmartin23 Posts: 53 Member
    I'm on a long journey, I am going to lose another 100 lbs this year, already lost 24lbs since I started with a PT in mid November & using Apple Watch

    If I can share what I've found, denying yourself food or foods doesn't work - eat clean, unprocessed food for your main diet & moderation on the rest - stay in your MFP target & log everything - even if it puts you over!

    Exercise is everything & don't shy from the weights as well as cardio - it accelerates your base metabolism rate & really helps.

    Try not to "lose 100 lbs ... rather, lose 1lb but 100 times" ... don't know why but that makes me feel better

    Add if you wish... I don't ramble on quite as much but do log every day!

  • ASAPStocky
    ASAPStocky Posts: 51 Member
    edited January 2017
    Welcome to the 100 club. Started at 300 trying to get to > 200 myself