Clean Eating - Complicated Girl Needs Uncomplicated Diet

I don't usually start a topic, however I recently read a blog that slammed Clean Eating Bragging. ; ?
I was originally confused at how anyone could criticize someone's weight loss success story and consider it bragging?. I consider any method used to obtain a desired goal a success if it works I count it as a success! Anyway, I digress. The point is this blog is to tell the truth about my experience with clean eating. I would like to start by saying I practice clean eating basics. I don't grow my on veggies or tend my own cattle. I don't buy only organic foods. I do drink coffee (just try to take my morning cup of coffee away!) I do eat food prepared by restaurants or cafeterias. However, I do not eat fast food. I do not eat cold cuts or pre-packaged meals of any type (frozen, dry, or canned). I have a complicated life so I need an un-complicated diet that I can maintain. This really simple change of eating fresh food that contains little or no additives/preservatives (butter, salt, cream, sugar other stuff I can't spell or pronounce) has produce a change in my body that I am absolutely ecstatic about. No, I have not loss the 50lbs I desire just yet (I’ve only been doing this clean thing for 6 days) but I have lost 5lbs. The weight loss is not what I am so excited about. It’s the change in my digestive system. I will not gross you out by going deep into my stomach and digestive issues however I will say I've suffered with these issues all my life. My entire family suffers with irritable stomach and really poor digestive systems. We've attempted to soothe these issues with teas, colon cleansers, laxatives, etc. I've gone to a dieticians and a gastrologist. I've been prescribed medicines that assist with the issue but once I stop taking the medicine the symptoms reappear. I'd say from day 2 I’ve noticed a difference and I feel lighter in my tummy. I've lost 5lbs before and more however didn't feel this relief. The point of this longer than expected post is to say clean eating is not soo bad. Clean eating is not soo hard and restricting as some may make it. I think I can live with eating clean 90% of the time. If you are wondering how I eat clean while eating out here a just a few examples (cafeteria - grilled fish.. no salt add a squeeze of fresh lemon or fresh pico) restaurant (grilled chicken salad or broiled shrimp no salt). I eat a lot of baked and grilled food also salads. If I eat dressing its vinaigrette. The hardest part of this eating clean thing is getting me off of fake sugars. If I'm going to drink juice I have to get freshly squeezed juice no more diet Snapple :)

Hope this helps someone. Hey, if you're anything like me and have tried them all (Atkins, South beach, grapefruit diet, lemon detox) eating clean will prove to be the easiest plan ever. This plan just takes adjusting how you think about food and eating. I use this link below as a beginner guide to clean eating. Wishing all my fitness pals best of luck acheiving your nutrition goals no matter what method you decide to utilize! :)