New mum wanting to loose baby weight!

Look for fellow mums for inspiration and motivation :)


  • patiencecollins3
    patiencecollins3 Posts: 4 Member
    Start now!! Don't wait!! Just keep moving and eat healthy!!! It's all about what you eat!!!
  • laurennluckett
    laurennluckett Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in same situation my boy is 3 months now and I can't shift the weight
  • rkendrayb
    rkendrayb Posts: 2 Member
    My daughters 12 weeks and I've gained 2 stone pregnancy weight. Started yesterday
  • laurend1697
    laurend1697 Posts: 1 Member
    My babies 5 months now and wanting get to loose the baby weight bout time I start try lol x
  • Jaimeclmt
    Jaimeclmt Posts: 20 Member
    I gained 40 pounds with my daughter, and kept 20 of it for 18 months after she was born. Started weight loss in May 2015 and reached my goal January 2016, and have lost a little more since then! It's hard, especially with those extra hormones, but it's definitely possible. You've got this! :)
  • robinsoneden5045
    robinsoneden5045 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi I gained almost 4 stone when I was pregnant and when I had my baby in 2015 I was tired and busy being a new mum and didn't bother to do any exercise I lost about 2 stones just from being busy but my daughter is now 16 months old and I'm trying to shift the last couple of kilos and tone up my baby stomach! If I had tried when my baby was young I wouldn't be in this position now so I would definitely try to lose it straight away have you got a partner or friends that can help look after little one to give you a chance to exercise or cook yourself some decent meals??
  • Karie2017
    Karie2017 Posts: 215 Member
    My son is now 2 months. So far I've lost 26lbs by breastfeeding, eating healthier, doing cardio and body weight strength exercises everyday.
  • laurac2605
    laurac2605 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi I gained almost 4 stone when I was pregnant and when I had my baby in 2015 I was tired and busy being a new mum and didn't bother to do any exercise I lost about 2 stones just from being busy but my daughter is now 16 months old and I'm trying to shift the last couple of kilos and tone up my baby stomach! If I had tried when my baby was young I wouldn't be in this position now so I would definitely try to lose it straight away have you got a partner or friends that can help look after little one to give you a chance to exercise or cook yourself some decent meals??

    My little girl is only 8 weeks that was how I thought if I start now & get into a routine it will be easier. I take her out walks regularly bit with the weather not being so good I have started doing HIIT when she is having her nap. My partner does most of the cooking and I have soup etc. In freezer. I am lucky as I have a big family so lots of help around. Thanks for advice!!
  • TiffanyBeckett
    TiffanyBeckett Posts: 173 Member
    I have a 10 week old! she is my third and last! Trying to lose baby weight for all three of them! Feel free to add me