Feel sick after over indulging:(

hiyaitschloe_x Posts: 36 Member
edited January 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
So today I'd had such an awful nights sleep, I was bloated and felt disgusting seeing no change on the scales. I'm a huge comfort eater and blew my calories for the day (after being on track for so long) eating bread and chocolate and crisps followed by a huge Chinese. The thing is I didn't even want it but I ate it anyway.

Now I feel so ill and sick to my stomach - I guess that's karma right.

EDIT: I've been having bad nights of sleep due to panicking that I'm going to miss a workout and keep checking the clock or having bad dreams about overeating or not losing any weight and being fat forever/college work.


  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Aside from feeling sick, you'll see a big jump on the scale tomorrow from the sodium (likely from the Chinese). You might even see it go up several pounds overnight.

    Just a heads up - it's water retention from the sodium and it will go away over the next 3-4 days. Drink plenty of water to help with it.

    Aside from that, shake it off. Tomorrow is a new day. Do what you know is right, and the scale will follow. In its own time - you can't rush it. :)
  • mattdhall
    mattdhall Posts: 85 Member
    Are you working out first thing in the morning? If so, maybe working out in the afternoon or evening would help keep you from worrying about it the night before.
  • alaynavee
    alaynavee Posts: 148 Member
    You sound like you are in stuck in a very unhealthy cycle - you want to make significant changes, (and you did for a period of time, awesome work!!) but anxiety is causing you to overeat....then the cycle of self-loathing starts and you beat yourself up for your "failure" ...please STOP!!!!

    You are very likely an intelligent, caring, and special person - who needs to love herself and be kind to herself a whole lot more. There is no karma happening here, just physiologic cause and effect. You aren't being punished for overeating!! It just is the body's natural response to being stuffed with a binge of junk food.

    Healthy habits take time - and a lot of it. And patience. And yes, we make choices along the way to change. You are experiencing so much anxiety with this process! I know, I have been there too, not liking myself or what I see in the mirror.

    But what if that person in the mirror was someone else, someone you loved, someone who's happiness meant the world to you..

    What would you say? How would you treat her? Would you encourage her and remind her of her successes and what an amazing person she really is?

    I bet you would.

    A strategy that can work (nothing works for everyone of course) is when you catch yourself being really self critical, to step outside yourself and think how you'd treat another person not yourself if you heard them talking that way about themselves.

    You deserve love and care and compassion from yourself just as you'd give it to other people you love. It's okay to do that. You won't be giving yourself permission to slack, any more than you'd do it for someone else you deeply care about.