
gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
Hello MFP members. My name is Sarah. I am 55, have struggled since after the birth of my children with my weight. I have made some great strides for my health. Along my journey I have quit smoking, drinking coffee, am vegetarian and most importantly, I don't hate my body anymore. Going through menopause has made weight loss even more challenging. My hormones are wonky, my cravings stronger and enough sleep is a rare commodity. One good thing is that I love to exercise so even though I am overweight, my doc says that I am in great health. I don't always feel that way when I notice now it is getting harder to get up from a seated position and a little harder to put on my boots. I welcome discussions with any of you and love knowing that there are so many of us in this together. What beautiful energy we are creating. We got this!