Advice please

pokeykitten Posts: 4 Member
edited January 2017 in Motivation and Support
Here is the real deal
I think about food from the the moment I wake up until the moment I go to bed and then it runs through my mind while I'm laying in bed and can't sleep I end up getting up and snacking for like 4 hours just some random stupid stuff or whatever I can get ahold of I have no control over this I've tried to explain this to my doctor and my mental health therapist I feel like there's something wrong with me I don't like load food up on a table and like Chow Down by 20000 calories so I'm not one of those people I really don't know what kind of person I am or what is wrong with me anybody know how to stop this or am I doing something to cause these Cravings or in my brain or whatever is going on I can tell you I have had a big drama in my life this year I lost my mother in January and I can't get past that and I've had many others before that as in trauma , but I am having a very hard time dealing with everything so I don't know how to stop all this eating problem I have any suggestions please


  • comptonelizabeth
    comptonelizabeth Posts: 1,701 Member
    I'm sorry for the loss of your mother. I think you should consult a doctor or a therapist? Your unedited post included a comment about your grandchild which concerned me. It sounds like you need the support of a qualified professional to help you cope with your loss and your relationship with food.
  • pokeykitten
    pokeykitten Posts: 4 Member
    IV been in therapy , I brought up my granchild because the night before I wrote this she was b in the house with a friend who's parents died that night , the husband took the wife's life and then his own , the kids found them, I just know that things could of turned even more wrong and I wouldn't have my granchild with b me , I didn't want this in here but now that people seen that before bi took it out problem wonder , so there it is
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    I'm sorry about your mom. I lost my dad a few years ago, and it really sucks losing a parent.

    My husband and I really went through a period that we called "What can I eat next?" I'm not sure about him, but I can tell you that I thought about food 24/7/365. I've had issues with going to food for comfort all my life for various reasons.

    Ask about seeing a therapist who deals with food addiction. My therapist had gastric bypass surgery and lost about 200 pounds or so. It really helps that he can relate to what I'm going through.

    I would also see a nutritionist. There are foods that you can eat that are better, and a nutritionist can help you make small changes that will help out so much in the long run.

    I remember the first nutritionist asked me if I knew what being hungry felt like. I could honestly say I didn't because I never went long enough between snacks/meals to really know what that felt like. Now I do. She also asked me if I really wanted to lose weight - because with all the crap I was continuing to eat, it didn't seem like it. Which meant: If I want to lose weight, then act like it. Eat better foods, log them in the diary, stay within a range that is conducive to weight loss.

    The one thing she told me that was most helpful was: Focus on the protein and the fats/carbs will take care of themselves. I've found this to be pretty accurate. If you're still hungry, add more fiber to your diet. I have 1 or 2 chocolite protein bars/day to help with that - I get them from And there are coupons usually at to help with the cost of it too. You can even buy single ones to try to see which ones you like better than others.

    I still do the "what can I eat next" a lot - but it's now on better foods. The better kind of food you eat, the more of it you can have, and the better you'll feel, and you can actually start losing weight.