Difficult to find foods.



  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Try a big pot of soup. Load it down with all the vegetables that you eat...some spices...add some tofu.

    You can get all of your vegetables frozen if you like and just open the bags and dump them in. Add vegetable broth and some cans of tomatoes. Throwing some seasoning in. I don't cook with tofu but I imagine that you would add it right before the soup is finished. In about an hour you could have several meals ready to go.

    Try egg salad. You might can tolerate that better. Just chop up your boiled eggs and add some mayo and whatever else that you want.

    I usually prepare at least 4 servings at once. It really takes very little more time than if you are preparing just one serving. That way I always have a few meals in the fridge and I don't have to cook as often.
  • Jeshie91
    Jeshie91 Posts: 24 Member
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    Try a big pot of soup. Load it down with all the vegetables that you eat...some spices...add some tofu.

    You can get all of your vegetables frozen if you like and just open the bags and dump them in. Add vegetable broth and some cans of tomatoes. Throwing some seasoning in. I don't cook with tofu but I imagine that you would add it right before the soup is finished. In about an hour you could have several meals ready to go.

    Try egg salad. You might can tolerate that better. Just chop up your boiled eggs and add some mayo and whatever else that you want.

    I usually prepare at least 4 servings at once. It really takes very little more time than if you are preparing just one serving. That way I always have a few meals in the fridge and I don't have to cook as often.

    Oh I forgot to say - I hate frozen vegetables. Its gotta be fresh or at least refridgerated steamer packets. I have frozen edamame and im gonna see if I can tolerate that but frozen vegetables i generally even if i cook them and try to eat them just cannot deal with the flavour and texture.

    The soup is a good idea. I used to do that. Need to buy a big pot (moved into a new totally unfurnished apartment a few months ago). I think I would keep the tofu seperate though and add it before serving. Its likely to get quite mushy otherwise. I do have quite the stock of soups in my cupboards but I tend to go through phases of hating soup or there only being one soup that I like.
  • andrea4736
    andrea4736 Posts: 211 Member
    Maybe smaller, calorie dense options? Peanut butter, cheese, etc. My intestines, digestion, whatever is messed up royally so I feel your pain about feeling like crap after eating. I can't eat much volume before I bloat up and look 8 months pregnant.
  • Jeshie91
    Jeshie91 Posts: 24 Member
    andrea4736 wrote: »
    Maybe smaller, calorie dense options? Peanut butter, cheese, etc. My intestines, digestion, whatever is messed up royally so I feel your pain about feeling like crap after eating. I can't eat much volume before I bloat up and look 8 months pregnant.

    God yes. the bloat struggle is real. Walking around afterwards and I feel huge. Even being overweight i dont really have the big stomach thing but it pops out after I eat and I feel so uncomfortable and like there is so much pressure. Even if its not a big meal.

    Ive got peanut butter. Im going to try adding it to yoghurt to see if its easier to cope with the texture when its covered in something more silky.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I use very few frozen myself because I don't like the texture. Just buy the pre-chopped veggies. You will have to cook it a little longer.

    Google "vegan soups" to give you ideas and then just substitute the ingredients that you can't eat for some that you can.
  • Jeshie91
    Jeshie91 Posts: 24 Member
    My sister is a really good vegan. Might see if she can help me with meal planning coz shes also a good cook. My go to soup used to be leek and parsnip but I cant find the recipe anymore and the ones Ive found are for it with just chopped up bits of leek and parsnip in it and the one I liked had it all blended together so it was a lot thicker.
  • Jeshie91
    Jeshie91 Posts: 24 Member
    Or maybe I can bribe her into making me a massive batch of soup since I dont have a blender atm (or i do but its a tiny one I use for nuts and butterbean mash)
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    spinach salad with avocados and strawberries, nuts especially almonds, lentils are the most complete non animal protein available. The are a legume not a grain but you can use them like a grain in a lot of dishes. I like to make them into soup. Best of luck.
  • lulalacroix
    lulalacroix Posts: 1,082 Member
    I'm slightly confused. In the original post you stated that an example of a meal would be a homemade burger that included a roll and cheese. But later you state that you are lactose intolerant and have a gluten allergy. Can you clarify?
  • pebble4321
    pebble4321 Posts: 1,132 Member
    I suggest you keep looking in any disability support that might be available = is the NDIS in your area? And do you qualify? If you aren't in an NDIS area, then ask your doctor about a referral to the local disability support service (it will vary state by state) and see if you can get any assistance with shopping and meal prep.

    If that's not an option, then I would call in favours if you can - it sounds as though your sister, for example, might be willing to help. Or perhaps your local council or health service might be able to put you in touch with a volunteer group who could help.

    Cooking batches of things that can go in the fridge or freezer would give you some meals to fall back on. As you like soup, that would be a great place to start. You can add in chicken or nuts or legumes to bump up the protein, plus use a bit of oil in the cooking then blend it all in and you have something that has some decent nutrition and calories.
  • SierraFatToSkinny
    SierraFatToSkinny Posts: 463 Member
    edited January 2017
    I might be an *kitten*, but this seems rather suspect.

    Edit: Excuse me for this question, but have any doctors ever talked to you about schizophrenia?
  • Jeshie91
    Jeshie91 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm slightly confused. In the original post you stated that an example of a meal would be a homemade burger that included a roll and cheese. But later you state that you are lactose intolerant and have a gluten allergy. Can you clarify?

    Lactose intolerance doesnt neccessarily mean cant have any dairy - its not anaphalaxis. Cheese is often actually quite a low percentage lactose. Like mild cheddar is 0.0-2.1% lactose.. I can tolerate small amounts. And my tolerance is lower when my immune system is struggling so I have to judge it day by day. Not sure If I mentioned it but Im TERRIBLE at not eating gluten. I try to restrict it - no more than 1 serve a day and at least 2 days per week without it so yeah I eat a bread roll here and there.
  • Jeshie91
    Jeshie91 Posts: 24 Member
    pebble4321 wrote: »
    I suggest you keep looking in any disability support that might be available = is the NDIS in your area? And do you qualify? If you aren't in an NDIS area, then ask your doctor about a referral to the local disability support service (it will vary state by state) and see if you can get any assistance with shopping and meal prep.

    If that's not an option, then I would call in favours if you can - it sounds as though your sister, for example, might be willing to help. Or perhaps your local council or health service might be able to put you in touch with a volunteer group who could help.

    Cooking batches of things that can go in the fridge or freezer would give you some meals to fall back on. As you like soup, that would be a great place to start. You can add in chicken or nuts or legumes to bump up the protein, plus use a bit of oil in the cooking then blend it all in and you have something that has some decent nutrition and calories.

    Cant add chicken im vegetarian lol. I dont entirely understand the NDIS but it is on the list of things to ask my doctor about when I see her next week, as well as disability community support. IDK what community services there are around here but I know the CMHT was pretty *kitten*. So my expectations are fairly low. My flatmate might know some stuff actually -- before we moved in together she was her mothers full time carer. Idk why I never thought to ask her lol.
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    Jeshie91 wrote: »
    Im hoping to see a qualified nutritionist (or is it a dietician which is the one with proper qualifications?)... will speak to my doctor on the 18th about it. There are so many contributing factors that just make this all harder. Like sometimes being too weak to even be in the kitchen so I just dont eat, or my lungs or stomach not being able to cope with eating, and then add in the psychological factors like the autism meaning I just cannot tolerate certain textures Its distressing as *kitten* - for example peas.

    Sorry i know this all sounds ridicculous I swear im not trying to be difficult or make excuses. Im trying to give all the information.

    A LOT of people on the autism spectrum have a lot of sensory issues. As a result, it can be very difficult to find foods that are tolerable, and can lead to diets that are not broad or balanced enough.

    I'm not sure if your dietician (if you get one) will understand this particular problem. I'm not clear on if dieticians get training on this sort of thing.

    There are a group of people who are extremely picky eaters--not just autistic types--and there have been psychological techniques to help them broaden the tastes, textures and so on that make up food. But I don't think this is particuarly well known and I'm not sure how much of it is successful for autistic spectrum folks.

    But be aware that this sort of aversion can be worked with, and this is not all that unusual for autistic spectrum people. I work with a charming 15 year old young man that eats the same lunch every day without fail! :)
  • Jeshie91
    Jeshie91 Posts: 24 Member
    Yes im socially fairly high functioning (when im around people) but its very draining and my recovery time can be quite long after socialisation. My main other issue is the sensory stuff. Im extremely sound sensitive. I have tinted glasses because of light sensitivity and between my pain and autism im quite sensitive to touch. For foods there are just certain tastes and textures that are so bad its distressing to me.. and im also quite particular about the arrangements around food - how its stored, prepared, what it touches, and i dont like anyone around when im cooking though im getting better at that. Cooking is such a difficult task in so many ways that adding in a social element is just too much.
  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    kenyonhaff wrote: »
    Jeshie91 wrote: »
    Im hoping to see a qualified nutritionist (or is it a dietician which is the one with proper qualifications?)... will speak to my doctor on the 18th about it. There are so many contributing factors that just make this all harder. Like sometimes being too weak to even be in the kitchen so I just dont eat, or my lungs or stomach not being able to cope with eating, and then add in the psychological factors like the autism meaning I just cannot tolerate certain textures Its distressing as *kitten* - for example peas.

    Sorry i know this all sounds ridicculous I swear im not trying to be difficult or make excuses. Im trying to give all the information.

    A LOT of people on the autism spectrum have a lot of sensory issues. As a result, it can be very difficult to find foods that are tolerable, and can lead to diets that are not broad or balanced enough.

    I'm not sure if your dietician (if you get one) will understand this particular problem. I'm not clear on if dieticians get training on this sort of thing.

    There are a group of people who are extremely picky eaters--not just autistic types--and there have been psychological techniques to help them broaden the tastes, textures and so on that make up food. But I don't think this is particuarly well known and I'm not sure how much of it is successful for autistic spectrum folks.

    But be aware that this sort of aversion can be worked with, and this is not all that unusual for autistic spectrum people. I work with a charming 15 year old young man that eats the same lunch every day without fail! :)

    I have some experience in that regard. I'm not autistic, but I do have a lot of food phobias / aversions, to the point new food has, on occasion, made me vomit (thankfully rarely). Vegetables are the worst for me, meats and liquids are usually no problem at all, and other foods fall somewhere in between.

    Some of the techniques I use when I push myself to expand my food horizons:

    1. I usually start with takeout. It means I have someone with experience cooking my food, and it gives me a baseline for how the new food ought to taste. It also means the sights and smells that come along with food prep don't potentially increase my aversion to the food. Sometimes the act of cooking can make me more apprehensive about a food.

    2. I choose a day to do it when I'm not unduly stressed or anxious about anything else. I pick a time when I'm very hungry, as food anxiety greatly reduces hunger, and I want to still have an appetite when the meal is in front of me.

    3. I eat the food alone in a setting where I'd feel relaxed - for example, I'll put on relaxing music and sit in a comfortable chair, even if that means eating outside of the dining room.

    4. At each step, I focus on relaxation and on reducing anxiety, for example by closing my eyes, breathing deeply, and listening to relaxing music / sounds. A "step" might be something as small as smelling the food, looking at the food, or putting a fork into the food. Of course each bite is a step as well. I take it slow - before and after each step I assess how anxious I am, and if I'm too anxious, then I'll continue to focus on relaxation until anxiety comes down. I don't take the step until I feel calm enough to do so.

    5. At any point, if I'm too anxious, I give myself full permission to stop. I try to end the experience before I reach the point where I can't take anymore - it's much worse if you push too hard and end up having a really bad experience. It'll typically take repeated exposure to really make the food a normal part of my diet.

    6. At each step, I also look for things I like about the experience. Maybe the flavor is particularly interesting, or there's a nice texture, or a good aroma.

    While I can't say it's easy to incorporate new foods into my repertoire, I do manage to do it. For me, the trick is really about managing anxiety, and taking the experience slow.

    I have no idea if any of this is helpful to someone with autism or not, sorry.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    rankinsect wrote: »
    kenyonhaff wrote: »
    Jeshie91 wrote: »
    Im hoping to see a qualified nutritionist (or is it a dietician which is the one with proper qualifications?)... will speak to my doctor on the 18th about it. There are so many contributing factors that just make this all harder. Like sometimes being too weak to even be in the kitchen so I just dont eat, or my lungs or stomach not being able to cope with eating, and then add in the psychological factors like the autism meaning I just cannot tolerate certain textures Its distressing as *kitten* - for example peas.

    Sorry i know this all sounds ridicculous I swear im not trying to be difficult or make excuses. Im trying to give all the information.

    A LOT of people on the autism spectrum have a lot of sensory issues. As a result, it can be very difficult to find foods that are tolerable, and can lead to diets that are not broad or balanced enough.

    I'm not sure if your dietician (if you get one) will understand this particular problem. I'm not clear on if dieticians get training on this sort of thing.

    There are a group of people who are extremely picky eaters--not just autistic types--and there have been psychological techniques to help them broaden the tastes, textures and so on that make up food. But I don't think this is particuarly well known and I'm not sure how much of it is successful for autistic spectrum folks.

    But be aware that this sort of aversion can be worked with, and this is not all that unusual for autistic spectrum people. I work with a charming 15 year old young man that eats the same lunch every day without fail! :)

    I have some experience in that regard. I'm not autistic, but I do have a lot of food phobias / aversions, to the point new food has, on occasion, made me vomit (thankfully rarely). Vegetables are the worst for me, meats and liquids are usually no problem at all, and other foods fall somewhere in between.

    Some of the techniques I use when I push myself to expand my food horizons:

    1. I usually start with takeout. It means I have someone with experience cooking my food, and it gives me a baseline for how the new food ought to taste. It also means the sights and smells that come along with food prep don't potentially increase my aversion to the food. Sometimes the act of cooking can make me more apprehensive about a food.

    2. I choose a day to do it when I'm not unduly stressed or anxious about anything else. I pick a time when I'm very hungry, as food anxiety greatly reduces hunger, and I want to still have an appetite when the meal is in front of me.

    3. I eat the food alone in a setting where I'd feel relaxed - for example, I'll put on relaxing music and sit in a comfortable chair, even if that means eating outside of the dining room.

    4. At each step, I focus on relaxation and on reducing anxiety, for example by closing my eyes, breathing deeply, and listening to relaxing music / sounds. A "step" might be something as small as smelling the food, looking at the food, or putting a fork into the food. Of course each bite is a step as well. I take it slow - before and after each step I assess how anxious I am, and if I'm too anxious, then I'll continue to focus on relaxation until anxiety comes down. I don't take the step until I feel calm enough to do so.

    5. At any point, if I'm too anxious, I give myself full permission to stop. I try to end the experience before I reach the point where I can't take anymore - it's much worse if you push too hard and end up having a really bad experience. It'll typically take repeated exposure to really make the food a normal part of my diet.

    6. At each step, I also look for things I like about the experience. Maybe the flavor is particularly interesting, or there's a nice texture, or a good aroma.

    While I can't say it's easy to incorporate new foods into my repertoire, I do manage to do it. For me, the trick is really about managing anxiety, and taking the experience slow.

    I have no idea if any of this is helpful to someone with autism or not, sorry.

    I don't know if it will be helpful to anyone or not but I found it interesting. Do you experience this with anything else that is a new experience for you or does it just occur with food.

    I recently was having a discussion with someone about the anxiety that people have about trying new things. They are afraid they will fail...embarrass themselves...other people will think they look stupid. The conclusion that we came to is in a sense just what you describe...taking those small steps...going about it slowly until you build your confidence up.

    There are some foods that I say I don't like...honestly how would I know...I have never had them. I say I hate boiled okra...I have never eaten boiled okra. I just can't stand the looks of it. I love pizza now but as a child I wouldn't eat it because of the smell. Then there is buttermilk...never drank any straight...never intend too. I always think curdled milk. I cook with it however and that doesn't bother me.

  • rankinsect
    rankinsect Posts: 2,238 Member
    Annie_01 wrote: »
    rankinsect wrote: »
    kenyonhaff wrote: »
    Jeshie91 wrote: »
    Im hoping to see a qualified nutritionist (or is it a dietician which is the one with proper qualifications?)... will speak to my doctor on the 18th about it. There are so many contributing factors that just make this all harder. Like sometimes being too weak to even be in the kitchen so I just dont eat, or my lungs or stomach not being able to cope with eating, and then add in the psychological factors like the autism meaning I just cannot tolerate certain textures Its distressing as *kitten* - for example peas.

    Sorry i know this all sounds ridicculous I swear im not trying to be difficult or make excuses. Im trying to give all the information.

    A LOT of people on the autism spectrum have a lot of sensory issues. As a result, it can be very difficult to find foods that are tolerable, and can lead to diets that are not broad or balanced enough.

    I'm not sure if your dietician (if you get one) will understand this particular problem. I'm not clear on if dieticians get training on this sort of thing.

    There are a group of people who are extremely picky eaters--not just autistic types--and there have been psychological techniques to help them broaden the tastes, textures and so on that make up food. But I don't think this is particuarly well known and I'm not sure how much of it is successful for autistic spectrum folks.

    But be aware that this sort of aversion can be worked with, and this is not all that unusual for autistic spectrum people. I work with a charming 15 year old young man that eats the same lunch every day without fail! :)

    I have some experience in that regard. I'm not autistic, but I do have a lot of food phobias / aversions, to the point new food has, on occasion, made me vomit (thankfully rarely). Vegetables are the worst for me, meats and liquids are usually no problem at all, and other foods fall somewhere in between.

    Some of the techniques I use when I push myself to expand my food horizons:

    1. I usually start with takeout. It means I have someone with experience cooking my food, and it gives me a baseline for how the new food ought to taste. It also means the sights and smells that come along with food prep don't potentially increase my aversion to the food. Sometimes the act of cooking can make me more apprehensive about a food.

    2. I choose a day to do it when I'm not unduly stressed or anxious about anything else. I pick a time when I'm very hungry, as food anxiety greatly reduces hunger, and I want to still have an appetite when the meal is in front of me.

    3. I eat the food alone in a setting where I'd feel relaxed - for example, I'll put on relaxing music and sit in a comfortable chair, even if that means eating outside of the dining room.

    4. At each step, I focus on relaxation and on reducing anxiety, for example by closing my eyes, breathing deeply, and listening to relaxing music / sounds. A "step" might be something as small as smelling the food, looking at the food, or putting a fork into the food. Of course each bite is a step as well. I take it slow - before and after each step I assess how anxious I am, and if I'm too anxious, then I'll continue to focus on relaxation until anxiety comes down. I don't take the step until I feel calm enough to do so.

    5. At any point, if I'm too anxious, I give myself full permission to stop. I try to end the experience before I reach the point where I can't take anymore - it's much worse if you push too hard and end up having a really bad experience. It'll typically take repeated exposure to really make the food a normal part of my diet.

    6. At each step, I also look for things I like about the experience. Maybe the flavor is particularly interesting, or there's a nice texture, or a good aroma.

    While I can't say it's easy to incorporate new foods into my repertoire, I do manage to do it. For me, the trick is really about managing anxiety, and taking the experience slow.

    I have no idea if any of this is helpful to someone with autism or not, sorry.

    I don't know if it will be helpful to anyone or not but I found it interesting. Do you experience this with anything else that is a new experience for you or does it just occur with food.

    I recently was having a discussion with someone about the anxiety that people have about trying new things. They are afraid they will fail...embarrass themselves...other people will think they look stupid. The conclusion that we came to is in a sense just what you describe...taking those small steps...going about it slowly until you build your confidence up.

    There are some foods that I say I don't like...honestly how would I know...I have never had them. I say I hate boiled okra...I have never eaten boiled okra. I just can't stand the looks of it. I love pizza now but as a child I wouldn't eat it because of the smell. Then there is buttermilk...never drank any straight...never intend too. I always think curdled milk. I cook with it however and that doesn't bother me.

    For me, it's just food that causes that level of anxiety. I mean, I get somewhat nervous about some things like international travel, but I think it's more of a reasonable level of anxiety in that it's a big deal that requires a lot of planning, and it's certainly not crippling anxiety, more of just a desire to make sure I have all my plans in order. With most things in life, I'm actually really easygoing.

    I do know that people who have exceptionally picky eating are often at higher risk for anxiety disorders in general, but for me, the anxiety is specifically limited to eating new foods.
  • Jeshie91
    Jeshie91 Posts: 24 Member
    I might be an *kitten*, but this seems rather suspect.

    Edit: Excuse me for this question, but have any doctors ever talked to you about schizophrenia?

    Um what? I have several diagnoses. Schizophrenia has never been one of them or considered because it does not fit at all and also thats super rude.
  • Jeshie91
    Jeshie91 Posts: 24 Member
    What in your definition, is crap food?

    Take away, sugar, chips, instant stuff like macaroni.