Hip pain/ Sciatica pain



  • megpie41
    megpie41 Posts: 164 Member
    I also had a Labral hip tear/injury ( same hip) and have been hoping to avoid surgery ....... which is why I gave been off exercise for a year. I have been told I should never jog/run again. I have a cam impingement.

    I had hip arthroscopy bilaterally in 2016 (5 months apart). I had FAI and a tear in my right hip. I waited 4 years to have surgery and finally got it done. Waiting so long took its toll on the cartilage. 2 months after my right surgery I tore the left side. Had surgery 3 months later and that cartilage was in much better shape. My point in saying this is I'd think about getting it taken care of sooner than later. A tear will not heal on its own and often only gets worse especially with FAI as the cause. Find yourself a well known surgeon who specializes in hip arthroscopy. Hip pain can be debilitating but I have no regrets getting it taken care of. Hopefully it prevents needing a hip replacement later in life.
  • thielke2015
    thielke2015 Posts: 212 Member
    megpie41 wrote: »
    I also had a Labral hip tear/injury ( same hip) and have been hoping to avoid surgery ....... which is why I gave been off exercise for a year. I have been told I should never jog/run again. I have a cam impingement.

    I had hip arthroscopy bilaterally in 2016 (5 months apart). I had FAI and a tear in my right hip. I waited 4 years to have surgery and finally got it done. Waiting so long took its toll on the cartilage. 2 months after my right surgery I tore the left side. Had surgery 3 months later and that cartilage was in much better shape. My point in saying this is I'd think about getting it taken care of sooner than later. A tear will not heal on its own and often only gets worse especially with FAI as the cause. Find yourself a well known surgeon who specializes in hip arthroscopy. Hip pain can be debilitating but I have no regrets getting it taken care of. Hopefully it prevents needing a hip replacement later in life.

    Thank you for this! I was told I have FAI and that they thought it was a tear but it was so small they are now saying Labral injury. I have had no groin pain since the initial few seconds of being unable to weight bear. I Researched this quite a lot and I understand a tear will not fix itself. My surgeon...who specialises in hip arthroscopy made some various movements in our last meeting and said he doesn't believe I need the surgery and it wasn't 100% clear on MRI if it was a definite tear and that the movements he did on me reassures him that I don't need surgical intervention. I asked about possibility of needing hip replacement and he said my risk was no higher than the rest of the general population.
    I was pleased with this as I was not keen on a surgery. Can I ask you please, did you have ongoing daily pain from your Labral tear? That limited you a fair bit? Thank you
  • yogagirlT
    yogagirlT Posts: 91 Member
    edited January 2017
    Any other runners ever suffer from sciatica pain during prolonged runs? Any remedies or suggestions are welcome. I started running about 2 years ago for weight loss and over all better health and Ive lost 130 lbs. Running has become a daily regimen for me but, about 4 months ago i started to have hip pain, not muscle pain because i know what that feels like. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions.

    Have you ever used a foam roller? Or tried yoga? Both work wonders for sciatica. My yoga teacher (also a massage therapist) got me hooked on a foam roller and I swear by it . My sister is a runner and her sciatica pain has decreased a lot since doing yoga. Here are a few easy poses I suggest for sciatica. Also, if you are interested in taking a yoga class I highly recommend a restorative class (especially for runners). Restorative yoga holds the poses/stretches longer and really goes deep with stretching muscles and is very relaxing.


    If you have questions, just let me know!

    PS--everyone's advice above is really good and I would recommend PT too because they can really target what's going on and can get you on the right track.
  • megpie41
    megpie41 Posts: 164 Member
    edited January 2017
    megpie41 wrote: »
    I also had a Labral hip tear/injury ( same hip) and have been hoping to avoid surgery ....... which is why I gave been off exercise for a year. I have been told I should never jog/run again. I have a cam impingement.

    I had hip arthroscopy bilaterally in 2016 (5 months apart). I had FAI and a tear in my right hip. I waited 4 years to have surgery and finally got it done. Waiting so long took its toll on the cartilage. 2 months after my right surgery I tore the left side. Had surgery 3 months later and that cartilage was in much better shape. My point in saying this is I'd think about getting it taken care of sooner than later. A tear will not heal on its own and often only gets worse especially with FAI as the cause. Find yourself a well known surgeon who specializes in hip arthroscopy. Hip pain can be debilitating but I have no regrets getting it taken care of. Hopefully it prevents needing a hip replacement later in life.

    Thank you for this! I was told I have FAI and that they thought it was a tear but it was so small they are now saying Labral injury. I have had no groin pain since the initial few seconds of being unable to weight bear. I Researched this quite a lot and I understand a tear will not fix itself. My surgeon...who specialises in hip arthroscopy made some various movements in our last meeting and said he doesn't believe I need the surgery and it wasn't 100% clear on MRI if it was a definite tear and that the movements he did on me reassures him that I don't need surgical intervention. I asked about possibility of needing hip replacement and he said my risk was no higher than the rest of the general population.
    I was pleased with this as I was not keen on a surgery. Can I ask you please, did you have ongoing daily pain from your Labral tear? That limited you a fair bit? Thank you

    When I initially tore my right hip I would get some sharp groin pain but nothing that really prevented me from doing anything. This pain subsided and went away. Eventually over time I started getting "catching" in my hip. Again this didn't stop me from doing anything. The week before surgery I went on a 7 mile hike with minimal discomfort.

    When I tore my left I knew it immediately. I would get clicking when I would stand up and some sharp pain. It got to the point where it was hard to walk because my hip would painfully lock up. Had the surgery and am doing great (6 months post-op on the left). I still do pt on my own as full recovery can take up to a year. Just the other day I walked 7 miles so I'm doing good.

    My first hip wasn't as painful/symptomatic as my second hip, yet the cartilage was much more worn down from waiting so long. Recovery on my second hip has been easier because it was in better shape as I didn't wait to have surgery. When I had my initial mri on the first hip, the radiologist report said there was no tear, but the 2 surgeons I saw both said they saw a tear, albeit a small one. So with the hip that was bad, I didn't have constant pain, just occasional catching. The hip that wasn't as bad I had a hard time walking. I think that is dependent on where the tear is located along the acetabulum.

    If you have any other questions regarding this feel free to ask me...I've been through it twice and would love to help. If you have imaging (mri etc) certain surgeons will review them for free if you want a second opinion. The surgeon who did mine does this. If you're interested let me know and I can give you his information.
  • daniellockridge
    daniellockridge Posts: 9 Member
    Try stuffing 2 or 3 pillows between your legs and pushing your knees together as hard as you can, holding it for about 10 sec then releasing. Do this x10 every morning and every night. It helped me out it might help you.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I don't run, but had pain running down my leg all summer. Finally saw a chiropractor and he urged me to do cobra stretches. It's a yoga pose where you lie down on your tummy and push your upper body up with straight arms. Hold 15 seconds. I did three sets of ten each day and am out of pain now. You don't have to suffer! I've had lower back pain my whole life being taller than normal for a chick (6'3) and these stretches have been life-changing. Good luck!