Wine or beer

How much is too much?


  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Passed out on the floor drooling.

    I guess even that is okay if it fit your calories for the day.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Alcohol inhibits fat burning- it also has a lot of calories and no nutrition- I recommend limiting it to 1 or 2 drinks per week or better yet 0. I quit while I'm trying to lose weight, I might have some in moderation occasionally once I reach my goal.
  • Tacklewasher
    Tacklewasher Posts: 7,122 Member
    Alcohol inhibits fat burning- it also has a lot of calories and no nutrition- I recommend limiting it to 1 or 2 drinks per week or better yet 0. I quit while I'm trying to lose weight, I might have some in moderation occasionally once I reach my goal.

    Nothing wrong with it as long as the calories fit into your limit for the day/week. I enjoy it and have a glass in front of me now. Yes it is empty calories but it doesn't inhibit anything.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    Alcohol inhibits fat burning- it also has a lot of calories and no nutrition- I recommend limiting it to 1 or 2 drinks per week or better yet 0. I quit while I'm trying to lose weight, I might have some in moderation occasionally once I reach my goal.

    Nothing wrong with it as long as the calories fit into your limit for the day/week. I enjoy it and have a glass in front of me now. Yes it is empty calories but it doesn't inhibit anything.

    Technically it does inhibit your body's metabolism of fat, causing it to be stored as body fat rather than burned for energy, but only while the alcohol is in your system and generally more of an issue if eating excess calories, not so much when in a caloric deficit- but still.

    It also bloats me terribly so I avoid it for that reason alone.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    If it fits- you're good. I drink, "moderately," but I make sure it fits my calorie goal and i lose weight fine.
    Side note- alcohol is high and calories and not filling in the least bit: to add to that, alcohol makes you stop giving AF about your food choices (and sometimes partner choices!) so you're more likely to consume too much.