kind of cool moment

fanarad Posts: 97 Member
So I'm re-joining this site after having put on some happy pounds recently and again becoming really frustrated that I've let myself go. However I did have a bit of a positive beginning when I was weighed at the doctor just shortly before restarting. My heaviest so far has been 165, a weight which I was almost certain I had climbed back to. However when the doc weighed me (and I re-confirmed on my home scale), my starting weight is actually 145 - a whole 20 lbs lighter than I thought I'd be! Still I'm a good 20 away from goal which won't be easy for me as I love to cook amazing Italian food and eat what I cook. I would love some friends to share this journey with so please feel free to add me!


  • fredgonzini
    fredgonzini Posts: 77 Member
    I would like to help. I have to many friends that stopped login. Look for new one to keep me motivated. Fredgonzini is my username if you want to be friends.
    You can do it. Just cook lighter Italian food.
  • dirkpeterson1980
    dirkpeterson1980 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm with u