
Hello everyone I am new to MyFitnessPal I have struggled with my way over the years it's always been up and down I started out pretty thin growing up when I got into my teenage years it's when I started to gain a lot of weight I became an overeater emotional eater is what a lot of people call it in 2013 I managed to lose 89 pounds just by changing the way I eat and exercising I gained it all back in 2014 and 2015 plus size getting up to the highest weight I've ever been 301 pounds I was going through a lot of depression at the time and ended up getting on medication and it changed how I ate I couldn't eat I could barely get out of bed half the time because of the medication and changing the way I was eating I dropped 70 pounds in 3 months I know that's not a healthy way of doing it but when you're not hungry I guess it's out of your control since getting off of my medication I am a lot happier and I gain 15 pounds back that part I'm not happy about but I'm on this new life mission to not only lose the weight once and for all but be healthy and happy I'm here for motivation and support and I am also here to help anyone else that struggles it's always nice to have a support system you don't have one at home it makes things so much harder feel free to add me on here or message me if you need any support guidance or just want to chat



  • Amrik10
    Amrik10 Posts: 93 Member
    Hi, there is no time like the present to change your life and get back to being happy and healthy. Sometimes personal issues push us to struggle with life on a daily basis. But at some point once you been through the worst of it, you can finally move forward and become a new person with confidence and focus and self belief. Just believe in yourself and you can do this. Plenty of people on here to support you. Good luck
    Free to add me.