Does anybody take Orlistat or equivalent?

I have started taking Xenical prescribed by my doctor. Anyone have any problems or side effects with it? Any tips?


  • tryasimighty
    tryasimighty Posts: 131 Member
    Awful stuff in my opinion, I tried it years ago for about 3-4 days, I experienced that ^^^^^ particular side effect. Do not go far from home/ bathroom when you first try it. It does make you think about fat content in food though!
  • BiomedDent
    BiomedDent Posts: 107 Member
    edited January 2017
    The side effects only occur if you don't following the recommendations of no more than 15g fat/meal.

    Providing you stay with in the above limit you shouldn't get the side effects.
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    You will get the side effects at first whilst it deals with what's already inside your body. Once it flushes a bit of that out and you keep low fat you should be fine
  • UK92
    UK92 Posts: 53 Member
    I was given some a few years ago to try by a friend. It was a horrible few days after taking a couple of them. Even when you need to pass wind, you have to be sitting on a toilet to do it because... well something else might come out too.
  • coleg04
    coleg04 Posts: 126 Member
    My experience is similar to those above. All shortcuts have drawbacks... CICO + Time = Success
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Just don't ever ever fart. Or what you think is a fart.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Just don't ever ever fart. Or what you think is a fart.

    As the saying goes, "Everyone loves a surprise!...except for Alli/Orlistat/Xenical patients."
  • Scrossy1983
    Scrossy1983 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks guys, no side effects so far, but yesterday drunk a ltr vodka and had a Chinese takeaway... So not looking forward to the rest of today :s
  • alienws1998
    alienws1998 Posts: 88 Member
    Why on earth would you eat Chinese food when trying to lose weight and while taking a weight loss medicine?! I absolutely love Chinese food, but I've only had to give it up as part of the diet. The amounts of sugar, carbs, msg and salt etc in Chinese food makes it a less desirable option when trying to lose weight unless your life style is really active. This is NOT backed by any study or science just from me looking at the nutritional info and making a judgment. Also this doesn't apply to home made foods where you can modify them, only to the foods in restaurants & preprepared foods in grocery stores. Once again this is just my opinion there's no point in arguing with me, no one is going to change my mind.
  • Scrossy1983
    Scrossy1983 Posts: 3 Member
    Me and my friends were drunk and hungry. :p. I fully accept the consequences for my downfall
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Did your doctor tell you that not only are bad fats absorbed, but good ESSENTIAL fats as well? Good fats are needed for health as well as good metabolic function. So you now have to supplement good fats back into the diet.
    Also alcohol trumps use of any energy source in the body till it's fully metabolized, so no carbs or fat are used during this time for fuel.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Thanks guys, no side effects so far, but yesterday drunk a ltr vodka and had a Chinese takeaway... So not looking forward to the rest of today :s

    See, this is why I don't understand why someone would take this. There is nothing wrong with the occasional take-out meal, so why take something that gives you volcanic eruption BMs as punishment for it?
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    Why on earth would you eat Chinese food when trying to lose weight and while taking a weight loss medicine?! I absolutely love Chinese food, but I've only had to give it up as part of the diet. The amounts of sugar, carbs, msg and salt etc in Chinese food makes it a less desirable option when trying to lose weight unless your life style is really active. This is NOT backed by any study or science just from me looking at the nutritional info and making a judgment. Also this doesn't apply to home made foods where you can modify them, only to the foods in restaurants & preprepared foods in grocery stores. Once again this is just my opinion there's no point in arguing with me, no one is going to change my mind.

    I'm losing weight and I eat Chinese from time to time.
  • alienws1998
    alienws1998 Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks guys, no side effects so far, but yesterday drunk a ltr vodka and had a Chinese takeaway... So not looking forward to the rest of today :s

    See, this is why I don't understand why someone would take this. There is nothing wrong with the occasional take-out meal, so why take something that gives you volcanic eruption BMs as punishment for it?

    While I don't use these kinda meds myself (on a lchf diet the effects would be disastrous) I think the principle is similar to an alcoholic taking that med that causes a violent physical to alcohol. For some people, it helps to increase their will power if they know there will be an immediate negative effect. I'm not defending it just trying to explain a possible rationale, there maybe others too but this could be one possible reason
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Thanks guys, no side effects so far, but yesterday drunk a ltr vodka and had a Chinese takeaway... So not looking forward to the rest of today :s

    See, this is why I don't understand why someone would take this. There is nothing wrong with the occasional take-out meal, so why take something that gives you volcanic eruption BMs as punishment for it?

    While I don't use these kinda meds myself (on a lchf diet the effects would be disastrous) I think the principle is similar to an alcoholic taking that med that causes a violent physical to alcohol. For some people, it helps to increase their will power if they know there will be an immediate negative effect. I'm not defending it just trying to explain a possible rationale, there maybe others too but this could be one possible reason

    Except fat isn't bad. Excess fat is. Fat isn't toxic, alcohol is. Expelling nearly all fat from the system isn't healthy and putting people off consumption of fat isn't healthy either. It is needed for hormone function and nutrient absorption.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited January 2017
    Thanks guys, no side effects so far, but yesterday drunk a ltr vodka and had a Chinese takeaway... So not looking forward to the rest of today :s

    See, this is why I don't understand why someone would take this. There is nothing wrong with the occasional take-out meal, so why take something that gives you volcanic eruption BMs as punishment for it?

    While I don't use these kinda meds myself (on a lchf diet the effects would be disastrous) I think the principle is similar to an alcoholic taking that med that causes a violent physical to alcohol. For some people, it helps to increase their will power if they know there will be an immediate negative effect. I'm not defending it just trying to explain a possible rationale, there maybe others too but this could be one possible reason

    I don't know any recovered alcoholics who can tie one on now and then and then get back to their normal lives.